Christmas At Malfoy Manor

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"I won't admit it to them anytime soon. . . But, yes. Yes I do. Just don't tell them. "

Draco raised his hands. "I won't. Besides, I don't have to. I'm sure they already know. Even Potter, and he is as dense as they come."
Hours passed by, the two teens entertaining themselves by reading and talking until the sun peaked over their spruce trees, light spilling over their Manor.

"Well." Jamie started, he glanced over at Draco who had his feet propped up on the headboard, his white hair spilling onto the charcoal grey sheets in waves, his book held above him as he tried to read it upside down. "I think your parents are awake by now. Might as well get this over with."

Draco's mouth twisted into an excited smile. Christmas was always his favorite, because like most kids he loved it when he got what he wanted: it showed your parents cared enough to listen and go out of their way to get everything.

Jamie never was a big fan of Christmas, he used to be when he was younger, but he now realizes the holiday is cursed and he now can see how toxic the whole environment. All year your parents threaten you, saying how only good behavior will be rewarded, you must do as they say if you want to get what you desire. It was an act of manipulation, an act Lucius would abuse on Draco. The young boy believed his father was giving him everything he asked for because he cared, but Jamie knew that the elder man was just building up his trust so he could use him later.

He used to love Christmas, but Lucius ruined it. He took something pure and innocent and corrupted it.

Draco rolled off the bed, landing gracefully on his feet, and offered a hand to pull Jamie up. Reluctantly he allowed himself to be pulled up and dragged his feet the whole way down the hall and down the staircase, Draco still gripped his hand and forced him to walk faster.

"I honestly don't see how you can hate Christmas." Draco sighed. "I mean, it's like Halloween and your Birthday rolled into one."

Jamie hummed not really wanting to argue and ruin the boy's mood.

Draco was practically skipping, his smile wide, he really did adore Christmas. Jamie figures it's because Lucius shows him actual affection, something the boy always wanted.

Draco had always wanted them to be a normal, happy family. A family where they had picnics on the front lawn on a warm summer afternoon; a family where they told jokes around the dinning table and laughed; a family where his father and mother were openly proud of him; a family where him and Jamie did not have to play a certain part around his fathers friends — they were creepy with their stubbly fingers and lingering eyes, they stared at him and Jamie as if they were pieces of meat; a family where his father hugged him and his mother still sang him up sleep after bad dreams. But he cannot ask for any of that, he knows he will not get it, so instead he asks for things that might distract him from the emptiness he feels and the gifts were always pretty awesome.

The two entered the dining room, Lucius and Narcissa were already seated at their respective seats. Narcissa smiled at the two boys.

"Happy Christmas." Lucius offered as greeting. He waved his hands and breakfast appeared. Jamie took his seat across from Draco as the boy sat next to his mother. Narcissa flattened Draco's hair before softly patting his cheek.

The meal did not last long, seeing as though the four of them were not big morning eaters. It was quiet and Jamie leaned against his fist, watching out the window anxiously. Once Lucius finished his drink they were allowed to leave the table and head to the living room where they would open presents.

Lucius took the armchair reserved for him, a mix between green leather and dragon scales. Jamie casted him a glance before sitting in a loveseat, hands folded politely in his lap, he was biting down on his tongue, not wanting to ruin the moment for Draco. Draco plopped down on the couch, he was sitting on edge as he waited for his mother to hand him his gifts.

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