"You like yo sister?"

"I love my baby sister. When you have a little sister that's when you gotta become Superman cause that's what they gone think of you as"

"Ion like Superman. I like Deadpool"

"Ight then.. well she gone look at you like you some kinda superhero and that's what you gone have to be. When she need help watch, she gone come to you before she go to yo momma and daddy. When she got questions or want anything it'll always be you she go to and you gotta be able to help her but you can't do that if you don't like her"

"But she took my momma and daddy away from me"

"No she didn't. She a baby and she just need more attention right now because she can't do shit for herself. But you 6, you can do more by yourself so they do t have to watch over you 24/7 to make sure you ate, or if you needed a diaper change. And maybe if you help them out witcho sister more, all the focus won't stay on her for too long"

"Ion know how to change no baby diaper"

"You don't have to change her diaper cause babies diapers be stank as hell"

He laughed while I kept talking

"But you can try to help feed her, play with her.. something. Ight?"

He nodded

"Now ima make a deal witchu but this stayin between me and you. If you be good in school for the rest of the year, on the last day I'll pick you up and take you wherever you want so you can buy anything you want"

When I said that jr's eyes lit up and I kinda knew I fucked up at that moment. I forgot who son I was talking too

"Forreal? I wanna Lamborghini"

"Nigga ion even gotta Lamborghini.. shit, we gotta couple Honda's and shit you can pick from in 10 years when you get ho license" I told him and we both laughed "so we gotta deal?"

"Deal" he stuck his hand out so I shook it before starting the car

"Ight then. So you good now?"

"I'm good"

"You done with that crazy talk?"


"Ight, now if I hear you said some shit like that again bout you hating yo momma and daddy ima kick yo ass. You hear me?"

He nodded as I put the car in drive, leaving out of the parking lot to head home


11:30 pm

"The twins in their crib sleep, jr and Hendrix in his room sleep so now I FINALLY got you to myself" I told Benji as I straddled his lap while we sat on the chair in the living room and he grabbed my waist

"His long you think they gone sleep?"

"Hopefully through the night, why?"

"Cause I'm tryina fuck"

I burst out laughing as he started kissing on my collarbone and my phone started ringing

"Mannnnn turn that shit off!" Benji told me and I was about to do it until I realized it was my momma FaceTiming

"What she calling so late for?" I asked while I answered, getting off of Benji's lap and sat beside him as the phone connected

"Heyyy ma. Is everything okay?"

"Yeahhh" she answered while she was wrapping her hair up "I'm just in my feelings a little so I needed to talk to somebody reasonable. Where is dimitri?"

Benji quickly looked at the phone, seeming surprised and so did I. I dropped my mouth open

"Benji, momma?... Benji?"

"No. I just wanted to say something to him before I talked to you. Get outta ya feelings girl"

"Wassup ma?" Benji spoke while I put the camera on him

"Now I see where you get your violent side. Your mother's answer to anything is to chokeslam somebody"

"Well I see where he get it from now" I muttered while glancing over at him then looked at the phone again "but who she wantchu to choke slam?"

"Welllll.. earlier I ran into your sister"

"Which one. That's the question" Benji mumbled under his breath but I still heard him so I punched his ass

"Which sister?"


"Mhhhkay. And how did that go?"

"It started off okay. I asked her how she was doing and she was telling me everything was good. Told me about her job and how she's ready to have the baby... just life stuff. But when I asked about y'all being in contact it's like she caught a whole attitude. She was saying she didn't wanna talk about you nomore and she's done tryina reach out, stressing herself during her pregnancy and I told her that's fine, just do what she gotta do and I tried to give her some advice on keeping a healthy pregnancy. Tell me why the girl cuts me off and tells me no disrespect but she would rather take advice from a real mother"

I cocked my head to the side while benji looked at me

"No she didn't"

"Yes she did"

I laughed a little, scratching my head

"Ma... don't tell me milani said that"

"She did karma. And honestly it hurt my feelings" she shrugged and based on the look on her face I could tell she was hurt, which pissed me off even more "and I tried to just let it go bu-"

"No..NO! Cause what she ain about to do is-... don't even worry about it. Ima handle it"


"Nope ma too late. I'll talk to you in the morning. I love you BYE!" I hung up the phone and tossed it to the side before standing up while benji shook his head

"The hell wrong witcho sister?"

"What sister? Cause no sister of mine gone disrespect MY MOMMA like that! Hell no! And ima let her know when she drop that baby I wanna fight. Blood or not because my momma is one I DO NOT play about she really got me fucked up right there... Cause No!" I fussed while walking off, leaving the living room to go back upstairs, pissed as hell at this point

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