There was a few knocks on her door before it opened. In walked Officer Martin. He planted a soft kiss on her lips before taking a seat.

For the past few weeks, since Officer Martin admitted his feelings for Tiana they've been on good terms. They went out on a few dates and actually enjoyed each other's company.

And at the end of the day, they would have sex. It was moderate in Tiana's opinion, she was used to experiencing something better but Officer Martin was worth her while.

Officer Martin cleared his throat interrupting the silent room. He looked ahead at Tiana who was too busy with paperwork to even give him the attention he wanted.

"Tiana." He spoke up, "can we talk for a minute?"

"Give me a second." She wrote down the rest of her sentence before sitting the pen on top of the paper. She looked up at him smoothing her strands of hair back into her slick back, "did something happen?"

"Actually, yeah." He trailed off for a second, "the case reopened. You know, with TJ-"

"What case?"

"With the homicide, the man that goes by Dave. They found more evidence."


"I need you to help me."

Tiana let out a loud sigh. Here she was back at stage one— having to choose between TJ and her partner. She heard nothing about the case reopening which made her contemplate on believing Officer Martin. She wanted to hear it from someone else just to make sure.

"Are you still out to get him or something? I haven't heard any rumors about this."

"You think that I'm still out to get him?" Officer Martin scoffed, "I'm not, Tiana. The fucking case reopened. You're my partner, you either help me or lose your damn job."

"You always jeopardize my job!"

"Are you with me or are you against me Tiana? I need answers now."

Tiana bit on the edge of her manicured nails. She couldn't afford for her job to be put in jeopardy and she didn't want to be in between something that would put bad blood in between her and TJ.

"I love you Tiana. I told you that shit awhile ago. I thought you moved on from him-"

"I did! I'm happy with you! I just didn't expect for this to happen, again."

"Well I need an answer now, baby. Tell me what you want to do."

"I'll help you.."

"Good." He leaned over the desk pecking her lips a few times, "I'll be over tonight."

Once Officer Martin was completely out of the office Tiana sighed long and hard to herself. She was conflicted. Several things ran through her mind that she was unable to control.

But if her job was in jeopardy and if she wanted to be with Officer Martin there was only one choice.

Cam was already on top of everything. He sent men out with a fingerprint kit to do a wipe down at Malek's house to make sure that JB's fingerprints weren't found anywhere. They had managed to get a copy of JB's fingerprints to match it up with anything that could be his.

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