Brotherly love and unkown love

Start from the beginning

'YEP' a faint voice of Tubbo yelled from the kitchen.

'ALRIGHT Good' bad quieted down his voice as he entered the room.

'Good!' Tubbo smiled 'Karl, Sapnap you got the tickets?'

They both put up a thumbs up 'Yep' Karl smiled as he showed both of them the tickets online.

Dream walked in the room smiling 'we should be on the road in about 10 minutes'

George came crawling up behind him and planted a kiss on his head before continuing to speak 'and we should be at the airport by 1, speaking of airport has anyone called Tommy or Wilbur?'

Tubbos eyes went wide 'shoot!' He immediately grabbed out his phone and tried to call Tommy but it immediately got sent to voice mail 'there on the plane already' Tubbo looked down.

'Hey don't worry dude' Sapnap stood up placing his arm around tubbo we'll be back soon!'

Tubbo chuckled 'yea I guess so'

There was silence for a few moments before bad broke it.

'Well let's not just sit around here let's get moving!'

Everyone laughed and Dream saluted 'I shall see you guys in about 30 minutes'

'K see you soon then Dream' Sapnap waved and flopped onto the couch Karl following close behind.

Dream started to head into the drivers corridor before he turned around 'you coming George?'

George ran up to him 'yes!'

Dream chuckled and ruffled George's hair as they disappeared behind the door.

Bad and Tubbo went to sit down on the couch beside Karl and Sapnap.

'So Karl how long are you planning on staying' bad asked.

'Oh...' Karl thought for a moment 'I don't really know'

'That's okay' Sapnap smiled 'you can stay as long as you like'

Karl smiled and pecked Sapnaps cheek with a kiss which made both of them go extremely red.

Bad and Tubbo looked at each other and got up from the couch and left the room going into the bunk room.

Karl chuckled 'I guess we weirded them out'

'I guess so... come sit'

Karl looked confused 'sit where'

'Sit on my lap stupid' Sapnap rolled his eyes.

'Well I wasn't expecting that but... sure!' Karl smiled and hopped onto Sapnaps lap.

'I love Karl'

'And I love you too Sapnap only in a friendship way of course'

'Oh yes of course' Sapnap sighed before continuing 'let's cuddle more'

But what they didn't know was they both felt differently about what statement was just made. ————————————————————————
Wilbur and Tommy had been on the plane for about 3 hours now so there was still a long way to go when Wilbur woke up.

'Hey Wilbur' Tommy smiled seeing that Wilbur was now awake.

'Oh uh hey' Wilbur said rubbing his eyes taking in the surroundings.

Tommy chuckled 'you don't have to sound so surprised it's me Tommy you know'

'Yea, yea I know' Wilbur pushed his glasses up on his face and finally understood where he was A STUPID PLANE! 'How long is left of the flight?' Wilbur asked turning towards Tommy.

Road trip (DNF and Karlnap)Where stories live. Discover now