Chapter 4: Escape

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Robin's POV

"Come on!" Sharp yelled, grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards the ladder.

We quickly climbed it and saw two guards rushing us, I flipped one over my shoulder while Sharp delt with the other.

Suddenly something yellow was flying through the air at us and I felt something ram into me, knocking me over and away from the powder.

I saw Sharp shove her jacket into my face, covering my mouth and nose, I quickly replaced it with my cape and we stood back up.

Queen Bee sneered at us and I watched as Deathstroke stood up from the trapdoor. Just one of these guys would have been difficult to deal with, but now there's two!?

Wait, why is Queen Bee working with Deathstroke!?

Suddenly, Sharp charged Queen Bee. What is she doing? We need to escape, not get caught!

I groaned mentally before charging Deathstroke. I could almost feel him smirking through his mask as he blocked all of my attacks. He was just toying with me, and it was so much easier for him, because I had one of my hands occupied covering my mo-

His leg flew out and knocked off my hand, causing me to stumble back in surprise. He grabbed my wrist and yanked me forward, pinning me against his chest and I struggled against him.

I was facing outward and my eyes widened as I saw Queen Bee kick Sharp into a wall, her controlling pollen floating like a cloud over the both of them.

Sharp slid down the wall and onto the floor, coughing on her hands and knees.

I yanked against Deathstroke again, trying to step on his feet, kick him, buck out of his grasp, anything! He had a vise like grip on my arms and chest.

I yelled angrily as Queen Bee walked away from Sharp towards us, leaving the girl who saved my life behind, coughing on the floor.

She smirked at me before blowing pollen towards my uncovered face.

I lurched backwards as hard as I could, but it was pointless. That is until Deathstroke let go of me and threw me aside.

"You treacherous snake!" He snarled, yellow pollen coating the lower half of his mask.

"Well, it was worth a shot." She said, backing up into her pollen cloud as Deathstroke advanced.

"Argh!" He yelled before attacking her.

"Robin!" I heard someone whisper.

I looked around and someone blinked into existence before me.

"Uncle Jon? You're a girl now?" I asked, looking at the obvious green skin and Martian Manhunter themed outfit.

"Uh, no. I'm his niece and you're my teammate!" She said, grabbing my hand and helping me up.

"Come on, we should go while they're still distracted!" She said.

I looked over towards Sharp, who was being helped up by another girl wearing a skintight green outfit with a bow.


I followed the Martian girl out and saw a bunch of Bialyian soldiers laying on the ground.

"Courtesy of the rest of the team. They're guys, so they couldn't come inside." She explained.

"These are your friends? Robin?" Sharp asked, her voice slightly accusatory.

"Um, I think so?"

Her expression hardened as we were led towards a large red ship.

Three more figures were waiting outside and I recognized one of them.

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