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The doctor had taken you to an enormous marketplace smack bang in the middle of an abandoned planet, bustling with alien food, tech and cultures from all over the universe. Everything seemed to be going 'just honky-dorey' as the doctor had put it, trying the odd looking food and quickly deciding it wasn't quite your taste and having the doctor constantly dragging you away from touching any dangerous tech that you weren't any the wiser too.

But of course something had to go wrong. Stall after stall began closing up shop abruptly and fellow alien travellers and patrons fled from the market place. You and the doctor exchanged a look of pure confusion until a cat-like person ran past while screaming 'JUDOON PATROL', the words seemed to send the doctor into a panic as she grabbed your hand and bolted for the closest alleyway.

"Doctor why are we running?!" You yelled struggling to keep up with her pace, dragging you down the winding alleyway until you came to a stop and she quickly shoved the both of you into a small opening to hide, so small that the two of you were quite literally squashed up against eachothers fronts with yours head on her chest and both pairs of your legs entangled together.

Looking up at the doctor desperately for answers your questioned her again, this time whispering, "doctor, who are we hiding from?"
"Judoon, bit like an intergalactic police. Im so sorry I forgot to mention, this whole planet is almost like an alien black market. Hence why the police have come rocking up" The Doctor keeping her eyes fixed as far up the alley was as she could see. You just stared up at her, dumbfounded by all the information that was thrown at you in one go.
"Right then... so we just wait?"
"Unfortunately yeah"

Resting your head against her chest again you slowly start to notice something that something moving against you?! No I can't be. You peer down inbetween you and the time lord only to see what resembled a baby pink tentacle poking out from the doctors blue trousers. The sight had you completely starstruck, did the doctor have a dick? Or tentacle dick? What would you even call that?! The realisation hit you like a truck that whatever it was, had been forced and had rubbed up against you, most likely why it was poking out from its confines.

Curiosity got the better of you and you slowly bring your index finger closer to poke the tip of the tentacle, although the organ seemed to have a mind of its own as it jolted to wrap itself around your finger! The sudden sensation felt by the doctor caused her to gasp loudly and look down only to see her companion staring in awe at the exposed organ pulsing around her finger.

"Y-Y/N?!" You looked up at her and blushed slightly at being caught but suddenly realised the doctors arms were pinned in such a way that she couldn't reach the alien thing exposed from her trousers.

You grinned deviously as you slid your fingers around playing with the tip as it chased the attention you were giving it, the doctor bit her bottom lip at an attempt to hide the loud whimpers, finally choked out "y-y/n... do you think we could... y'know.. do this another t-time...? not wh-when.. we're literally hiding f-from a judoon... p-patrol pleeeaase..." the last word coming out in a shaky moan was enough tell you that you took thinks too far.

You withdrew your hand quickly "sorry doctor, I- I got carried away there" you laughed nervously as the doctor blushed hard looking down at you and clearing her throat,
"R-Right I think the coast is clear, when I say so we run"
You nod and once given the signal the two of you were bolting through the now empty streets towards the Tardis. Once inside the Doctor profusely stated that tentacles are a totally normal on gallifrey and how you 'shouldn't judge aliens by their bits' or more importantly 'shouldn't touch any aliens bits without their express consent'. All the while, said alien bits were still poking out of the waistband of her trousers and staining her shirt with its slick. Your blatant staring and blush draws her attention to the exposed tentaclit, blushing profusely as she stuffs it back in her pants.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2021 ⏰

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