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"Bish I have to go to school alone from tomorrow, can you just quit the job already?"

"Hyung, you're the one who convinced me to got that job, why should I quit it before I even start it?" Sunoo pout and sip his milkshake with a fake tears because he need to go alone on the school after his only friend got the job "Why don't you just ask for a job to your boyfriend?" Jungwon ask

"Niki will never let me work because he said I'm the housewife! That bish-" Sunoo whine and Jungwon start laughing at his best friend "You two actually act like an old married couple!" The two continue to roast each others while Carat's join them on their table

"Your cupcakes arrive!"

"Finally!" The two quickly take their orders as Sunoo make some space for Carat to sit beside him. Jungwon bite his dessert and eyed the girl "Caratie, have you ever have a crush or boyfriend? How do you feel? I mean this Sunoo-not the single ass doesn't even want to tell me how it feels!"

"Don't worry, I have 13 boyfriends at the same total time" Carat exclaim as Jungwon chokes on his cupcake while Sunoo blurt out his milkshake on the table from his mouth "Ew, quickly wipe it!" Jungwon throw the cloth towards Sunoo

"You actually have 13 boyfriends at the same time?"

"Yeah what's wrong?" She ask innocently while Sunoo just facepalm himself "One is already like a heavyweight and you said you have 13? Like how can you even handle them?" Carat's laugh at Sunoo's questions while Jungwon finds them interesting in every seconds but "isn't that cheating?"

"They came to me at the same time, all 13 of them asked me to be their girlfriend at the same time. So I answered them Yes, they know it, not a problem I guess!" She sip her tea while Jungwon claps his hands and Sunoo just smile "Sis, you're a pro!"

"By the way, I saw Billi on the Park Designing Company building today....do you somehow know what has she even doing there?" Jungwon points at Billi who is still working as the cashier, he can't help but to ask because of curiosity while Carat just pout as she stared at the two

"She barely talks to me! She's not a verbal person and she hates talkative, so don't be loud around her!" Carat's warn the two but the fact that Jungwon saw Billi in the company is quite mysterious "But Billi talked to me! So I guess, she likes me more than the two of you" Jungwon start wiggling his eyebrows while Sunoo throw the cloth at his face

"Just don't be late for your first day or your boss will fired you immediately. I know he's a hot headed person!"

"WoW! I'm sO sCaRed~!"


Jungwon suddenly jump out from his bed after staring at his phone for 5 seconds and his grandmother is looking at him with a smile while handing him a money "Just hire the cab or your boss will fired you before you even earn something!"

"Thanks Maa~ I'll pay you back-" doesn't even have much time to check himself on the mirror and asking that why his grandmother didn't even wake him up? But he can't blame her because he sleep way to soundly for anyone to even wake him up...way too cute!

Jungwon storms out from his house after wearing some formal clothes, he kept on repeating to the driver to fasten up the pace. This boy is actually nervous that he almost pee on his pants "How should I explain? Will he really fired me in my first day? Aisshh-"

Jungwon finally step inside the building and quickly head towards the elevator. To be surprise, his boss is about to get inside the same elevator with him. Jungwon cuss and cuss under his breadth..let's just take the stairs

Jungwon tried his best to avoid his boss but little did he know, The Boss already saw him...ouch- Jungwon almost stumble from running on the stairs as he finally arrived the President's office and when he get inside

"Late, late, late, What a late!" The boy in the chair throw the files on the table like it isn't anything important while looking at Jungwon with his smug face. The new secretary laugh nervously and approach the desk but before he speaks, his boss open his mouth again "Don't even bother to apologise! Why do you late at your first day?"

Jungwon take a deep sigh and look at his boss " I'm late because I overslept. Thank you!"...he said no need to apologise, so whatever- Jungwon rolled his eyes mentally as his boss stay silent for awhile

"Go make me a cup of coffee"

What? Jungwon raised his eyebrows a bit as he look at his boss suspiciously "I thought I was signed up as a Secretary, not a personal assistant... Am I right?" The boy in the chair look at Jungwon with wide eyes and just nod his head "Go and make me a coffee"

"I'm not a pro coffee maker, so you can't complain it, Mr. Park" Jungwon bow to his boss as polite as possible and head out from the office with a smirk plaster on his face. You mess with the wrong person boiii~

Park Jongseong stared at his new secretary with amused, he had never met this kind of workers before and it's not like the boy is way too impolite to his boss but Yang Jungwon is just different... Because of what? Jungwon never lose his real personality and never hide his true self...

"Your coffee,Mr. Park~" Jungwon put the coffee down on the desk and watch his boss sipping the drink he made. Jongseong stay silent and froze on his spot but he just shrug it off not to make it so obvious. After that, the President gulp down all the coffee at once and smirk "Next time, don't be late again...or I will actually punish you!"

Jungwon widen his eyes while looking at his boss who has already finished the coffee in a blinked. Park Jongseong raised his brows at his secretary who nervously take the empty cup and head towards the door...Cute-

Jungwon fake a smile before he storms out from the room and stared at the empty cup for awhile, he felt like puking because.....WTF! I purposely put the Salts instead of Sugars-

Jungwon almost jump out from the window when his boss suddenly stand beside him without giving him a glance. Park Jongseong just look at his front and speak to his secretary before walking towards the elevator

"We have an important meetings with The Nishi Detecting Agency.....after that, you'll have lunch together with me-"


I took covid vaccine before yesterday, so that is why I'm late to update but now I'm feeling well

Hope you like this crap because I can't used my left hand properly, I may have a lot of mistakes too because I'm stress since.....THEY'RE GOING TO ANNOUNCE OUR RESULTS ON TOMORROW

SAVE ME! I may actually dig a hole and burry myself....I die

love you all<3

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