Rebel Part 2

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Justin POV

After fathering to Kelsey

I went to the kitchen

What happen Britney asked me

She took alcohol and weed to school was caught using it she suspended for three days I said

Are you insane? Britney said

I wish I was kidding I said

Why did you open the door for her that night? Britney asked

What if I didn't she would probably dead I said

She wouldn't be our problem Britney said

Now I'm a problem wow I thought you would help me I guess I'm a piece of shit Kelsey said crying

Kelsey I didn't mean that way Britney said

I'm sorry I'm a drug addicted I can't help it you try watching your father murder your brother and mother in front of you and you have fucking  PTSD about it. POT helps me cope with my life with it I would of already killer myself Kelsey said

*Slam Door*

I fucked up Britney said crying into my chest

Kelsey POV
I'm unwanted I slam my door shut and I took my razor and I cut myself deeper and sobbed

I heard footsteps

Who ever it is go away

Open up it's Justin

I open the door

What Justin I said

How you holding up? Justin asked

I'm playing a game if I cut with this kill me I said

Come down to the kitchen Justin asked

No I don't want to be on the same room with that bitch I said

I know we got a letter from the court Justin said

I walked down and Britney was gone

I covered myself with a blanket

I read the letter

I read the words your put for adoption and if you would like Justin and Britney to be your parents please sign this.

I signed it

I handed it back to Justin and left the room

Justin open the letter and had giant smile on his face

I fell asleep for the rest of the night

Until around 7pm

Hey wake up Justin said

What I said

I have dinner from Chick-fil-A Justin said

I'm not hungry I said

You have eat something Justin saids

I would rather die than eat anything I said

Justin sat on my bed

Hey you can't be talking that I understand you been through a lot but you need to know your worth living Justin said

I sat up cross legged

Why you being so nice to me I said

I've had connections to you since day one I want to help you Justin said

You know no has ever said that I said

Why you addicted to drugs? Justin asked

Will promise you won't tell not even Britney? I asked

Yes you have my word I said

Before my sixteen birthday I went for an surgery they gave me opioid and I wanted more because it the pain away. Then I got hooked on herion. I fell in love with my dealer who got my pregnant. I had my baby and but the baby didn't last long only five hours m. Then I went down a dark spiral of cocaine alcohol and pot it gave me what I need to live. I said

I'm sorry that happen to you Justin said

My son was name Joey after my father middle name. My dad became my deadbeat father I never want to go back to him no there no way even seeing him would bring me so many dark memories. He hurt me so badly he hurt me badly I've never felt so bad about myself once my dad put his hand on me. I said crying

Justin hugged me I'll never ever hurt you Justin said hugging me tighter

Where are you guys? Britney yelled

You wanna watch a movie with us Justin asked

Yes I said grabbing my fuzzy blanket

We went on the couch and I sat between Britney and Justin. We put in Disney movie in the middle of it my eyes became heavy as I slipped into sleep as I laid my head on Justin chest as his heart beat soothed me

Britney POV

When I woke up I was around 12:00am and the father daughter duel were asleep in each arms I didn't wake them. Kelsey needed to see she is loved I just went to mine and Justin room to for to sleep

When I woke it was Kelsey second day suspended and had groceries to do so I couldn't take her with me because she would probably run away because she does still hate me

Good morning sleepy heads

Hey Britney Kelsey said

What? I said

Will you make me some avacado toast for me? Kelsey asked

Yes sweetie I replied

Justin woken to and he was up making coffee for us

Now sleeping I asked

Umm well that rock was on my check all night Justin said laughing

That was Kelsey head I said laughing hysterically

Kelsey your toast is ready

She went to grab it and we all joined her at the table

You know I can't take Kelsey with me Justin you have watch her like a hawk I said

I got it Justin said

Think back of when leaving Justin home alone with a kid all rule go out the door and there huge mess

Where you going sleepy Kelsey asked

I'm going to the grocery store any food request I asked

Kid cruisines Kelsey said bitting her toast

I love those Justin said high fives her

I had to big kids in the house now I said laughing to myself

Justin POV

Britney was gone for the day it was just me and my buddy

Justin can I have frosting? Kelsey asked

Trying to be the best dad ever

Of course you can I said hoping Britney wouldn't find out

Me and Andrew out filming to do if you wanna come I asked

I will come Kelsey said

Okay I replied leaving the room

About 12:00 pm and me and Kelsey headed to Andrew house for all out nerf war

The house was packed with friends

Kelsey this is Parker Mark and Kyle plus Andrew

Hi Kelsey said

They all replied Hi

Kelsey POV
Hanging out with people with the same style is pretty good but when they brought the nerf guns out I had ptsd moment

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