Chapter Two

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Jay's POV

I pack my notes up before shouldering my way past the large crowd angrily. I was late for my facetime call with Dawn. We haven't been able to see each other in person yet because I wanted us to get in a normal routine for when I'm away and for her to focus on her school. 

I glare at people as I shove them away, trying to rush to my dorm so I can order my usual pizza and call Dawn. Boys shout after me as girl's scoff, muttering about how rude I'm being. The icy air of late fall bit my nose and cheeks as I walked out to my car.

Five men were around my mustang, looking around. Everyone avoided them, knowing they were dangerous. They looked at every face that passed near them, but the one in the middle seemed calm and patient. 

He seemed in his late forties, a tad shorter than I was, but his silvering black hair showed that he was much older than he looked. I knew these men weren't allies or any of mine by the way they held themselves. They had an air of authority around them, but also self-assurance. As if they knew they couldn't get hurt.

I felt at my waistband, my gun digging into my hip. I stalked towards them, knowing that if I ran they would think I'm weak. I kept my hand casually near my gun, knowing that I couldn't just draw it out in the open. The leader's eyes locked onto mine, his crystal clear blue eyes watched me with interest.

 I walked towards them casually, my gang leader mask on and a smirk playing on my lips. I had to be arrogant, but cautious. Observant, but pretending to be careless with my thoughts and movements. The more I seemed unaware, the easier I can protect myself if they tried to take advantage of that.

"Jayden Pierce?" The leader steps forward, asking. I narrow my eyes slightly but keep the smirk on my lips.

"Who's asking?" I retort, opening my door and tossing in my backpack. I eyed their watches. Great quality, real designer watches. Rich then.

"I'm Alonzo Romano. The second in command of the Italian Mafia. You, Jayden, are the only surviving family member of the Borghese family. My Boss, your uncle, died from cancer. Rest his soul. Your mother ran away from the business and went with some gang family, your father's side. You are now in possession of the Italian Mafia. If you don't take over, we will kill your loved ones. Dawn Parker, Emmaline Parker, Kieran Parker, and everyone else they love. We'll even keep Dawn for last, just so you can watch your love in pain. Now, come with us so we can go over everything. Quietly." Alonzo warns, I blink in shock before chuckling.

"You must think I'm a fool, Alonzo. I would know if my mother was from the biggest Italian Mafia family. Sure, she spoke Italian, but that doesn't mean you're the Mafia." I scoff, but my mind races. What if he isn't lying?

"Boss, anything wrong?" I hear one of my men ask from behind me. I scan the men in front of me.

"Not sure. Stay nearby." I growl under my breath, knowing full well who sent my men to watch me. Dawn, I love her, but she's always so protective.

"Sent for your men, have you? Just let us talk about this quietly and we'll come to an agreement." Alonzo says with amusement, I clench my fists and narrow my eyes at them.

"You threatened Dawn and her family." I say in a deadly calm, making even my men shiver from the malice dripping from my words.

"That's not acceptable." Dagger stepped up beside me, glaring at the men in front of us. Dawn has become like a little sister to the whole gang, a princess to everyone. We all loved her to the point we'd die for her.

One of the men took advantage of my fake arrogance, swiftly darting his hand forward to grab my gun. I grabbed his wrist, holding onto it so tightly he winced as his bone popped out of place. "Don't grab what's not yours." I growled in Italian, surprising them. Alonzo smirked.

The Light of Dawn (Second book in His Light series)Where stories live. Discover now