Chpt 34

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Okay in my defence the kitchen was already pretty dirty when we started cooking. Sirius and I had been left to our own devices to make our own food for lunch and so we made soup. Never cook without supervision.

“Sirius I think that I’m going to be able to stir this.” He had snuggled close in behind me and held me to him, placing his hands over mine and ‘helping’ me to stir. I laughed as he splashed some of it and it spilt a little on the hem of my skirt. “Sirius!” I exclaimed. He laughed and moved back to the chopping board. Suddenly there was a sharp pain in my lower stomach and I fell to the floor. I pulled open the bottom buttons on my shirt and looked down at the mark, pain shot through me again and I cried out, falling to my back. Sirius, who had been supervising the knives chopping some carrots pulled away his wand and accidentally directed it at the pot that I had been stirring, making the soup spray everywhere and explode over the walls. I tried to laugh but another bolt of pain rammed itself through my body. I cried out again and watched Sirius; covered in soup looking down at me, “Robyn, are you okay?” He asked looking desperate.

“Yeah,” I tried to say in a strained voice. But I wasn’t sure if he had heard so I nodded my head pathetically. “Oh thank god.” He looked like I was feeling, crap.

“Um Sirius I think we made a mess.” I murmured.

“To be honest I don't care right now.” He whispered, looking down at my upper hip. “That doesn’t look good.” He muttered. I laughed and pulled his chin up to me and kissed him deeply, carefully pulling the shirt over the mark. “Okay we have to clean this up.” I said finally when the kiss ended; he smirked and smoothly got up, helping me to my feet.

We looked around the room at the mess that had been created. “What’re we gonna do?” I asked exasperated and leaning slightly on Sirius.

“We could always get the kids to clean it up.” Naturally I laughed at that so we set the cleaning utensils to work and watched as the kids tried to find something to do outside of the kitchen. By the time Molly and Arthur returned we were all sitting around the dining table chatting away, Tonks and Remus had showed up and Tonks and I had decided to provide some entertainment. Tonks had quite an effect on the kids, changing her facial features into that of a pig would have an obverse effect on anyone. Of course then Sirius began boasting that I could do better and it kind of escalated from there.

“Is that all you got?” I jested across the table. My face shifted and my hair lengthened and became grey, looking now was an old crone, with crooked teeth and a wart on her nose. Everyone laughed and Tonks even clapped. “If that’s how you want to play.” She looked strained and her face moulded itself into a more feminine looking version of Mr Weasley, I chuckled, looking towards the door and seeing the real Arthur and his wife enter. “Tonks that’s absolutely brilliant, you make a better me than I do.” He laughed heartily and was assisted by Lupin to his seat while Mrs Weasley bustled over to the stove, beginning her preparation of dinner.

“Sorry Arthur,” Tonks apologised, “We were just seeing who was better.” She smiled and he beamed back over his horn-rimmed glasses. “And seeing as Sirius and Miss Vampire here-” I hissed playfully with fangs extended, “blew up the kitchen, we decided we’d lighten up the mood a bit.” She smiled and watched as Molly glared at me with raised brows and then turned back to her cooking. I snatched a piece of bread that Sirius had been about to put in his mouth and chucked it at her across the table, making Fred and George fold over in their chairs in laughter. “We didn’t actually blow it up Molly; we just had a bit of a spillage.” My fiancé explained seriously, taking a swig of Butterbeer and planting a kiss on my smiling mouth, I could taste the beer lingering in his mouth, and his moustache tickled my nose. I crinkled it up and he chuckled. “Alright kids,” Arthur sighed as people were heard entering the house, “upstairs now the lot of you until the meetings over.” They all scraped their chairs on the tiled floor and tramped out the door and trampled up the stairs like a congregation of lazy monks.

“You too Harry.” Mrs Weasley said clearly without turning from her stove. Harry looked sadly from the doorway, at Sirius who glanced back and winked imperceptibly, putting a smile on his face before he jumped after the others.

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