Maybe It Won't Be So Bad - Slash

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Living in Los Angeles was pretty shitty to say the least

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Living in Los Angeles was pretty shitty to say the least. When you live in a filthy apartment complex with not so nice people, it gets tiring.

I clock into my shift as a waitress at a small diner a block away from my apartment and nod over to my boss. He grumbles something about how I'm late but I just roll my eyes, five minutes isn't gonna hurt anyone, especially when I don't even have a car.

This shift has been hell to say the least. There's been way too many screaming children, spilled drinks, and rude customers. I'm so sick and tired of this job. I just want to get enough money to rent a studio and start recording a song or two that I wrote. I went off and told my boss I'm taking my break early and went outside for a smoke break. I pull my cigarettes out of my apron pocket and lit one up. I stuck the cigarette in my mouth and inhaled the smoke and blew it out with a sigh as I stood in the back alleyway of the building. This life has just been becoming too much for me. With my parents kicking me out because I wanted to be a famous rockstar then living here in this shitty place with a shitty job, sometimes I think about going back home and telling them that they're right.

I finished my shift later that night, clocked out, waved bye to my boss, and started to walk back home. As I come closer to my place I see a big van and five guys moving in beside me. They were all making a lot of commotion and I was so tired I wanted peace and quiet so I just walked passed them, opened my door, went inside. and slammed it shut. As I was walking past I couldn't help but a notice a cute guy with curly hair staring at me. I thought about him for a while as I was trying to settle down for the night. Once I was ready for bed I laid down and read a book but I couldn't go to sleep because of all the loud noises and voices, assuming it's the five boys. I got up with a sigh, put on a robe, tied it around me, and headed out the door. I banged on their door and a short guy with blonde hair opened the door and smiled at me. "Hi can I help you?" He asked. "Hey I live next door and you guys are being way too loud, can you keep it down?" I replied back annoyed. "Oh yeah of course I'm so sorry!" He quickly said. "Do you want to come in for a moment? Get to know your new neighbors?" He asked timidly. With a sigh I said yes and he opened the door for me to walk in. Once I came in I looked at the other four boys. One was really tall with scraggly blonde hair, one had short black hair and was sitting in the corner playing a guitar, one was a redhead sitting on the floor drinking a beer, and there was the guy with the curly long black hair that covered his face. I couldn't help but stare at him for a second longer than the others before I looked back at the short one. "Oh yeah! My name's Steven! How rude of me for not introducing myself." He shook my hand as he continued. "This is Duff, Izzy, Axl, and Slash." Slash. Mysterious name for a mysterious guy. "Hey my name's Y/N. Nice to meet you guys." I said with a small smile as I waved to the boys. They told me how they came to LA and formed their band, Guns N Roses, it's a pretty cool name and they seemed like pretty cool guys. Eventually they all started talking to each other except for Slash. He was staring at me through his curly black hair and I was staring back at him. He got up and walked towards me and re-introduced himself. After we talked for a few minutes I excused myself to a smoke. During the middle of my cigarette he came outside. I offered him one and he took it. There was a comfortable silence between us until he started talking. "I told you why I came to LA. Now tell me your story." He says after he takes a puff of the cigarette. "Well," I stopped to take a puff and think. "I always wanted to grow up to be a rockstar when I was little. I was rebellious at home constantly sneaking out to meet with friends, bands, go to shows and stuff so my parents finally got sick of it. I came here to live in a shitty apartment with a shitty job as a waitress." I said while I finished my cigarette and lit a new one. "It's not as great as I thought it would be. I thought it was gonna be easy to find a decent place, play a show or two then become famous but I don't even have a band. Thinking about just recording some solo stuff for a bit until I figure things out." I told him miserably. We both talked about our hopes and dreams to become rock gods and shared a few lines of lyrics. I checked my watch and sighed, "It's getting pretty late. I should go back to bed, I got an early shift tomorrow." I tell him disappointedly. "Yeah no I completely understand. Go ahead, I'll tell the guys that you went home because of work. Sleep well Y/N, we'll probably see you tomorrow." He smiles at you. I tell him bye, walk back to my apartment, and open the door. Right before I go inside Slash calls out for me. "Hey Y/N?" "Yeah?" "Just know that one day we'll both be rock gods. I'll make sure of it." With that he smiles and goes back inside. I walk inside my apartment with a smile on my face. Maybe living in LA won't be so bad after all.

Hey guys! This is the first chapter of the book! Hopefully some requests will start rolling in so I can write more. Hope you enjoyed !! :)

🥀Guns N Roses Imagines and Oneshots🥀जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें