26. The Tournament

Start from the beginning

Olivia had watched as everyone seemed not to be able to fight off the curse. People had danced like chickens, sung songs, and one or two had done backflips.

"Evans, your turn!" Moody called

Fred squeezed her shoulder as she stood up and faced the teacher. He pointed his wand at her like he had done to everyone before, and said "Imperio!"

Olivia felt a fog cover her mind, and all her worries faded away. But she heard a voice. Moodys voice.

Impersonate Professor Snape... do it

She felt her face turn sternly cold, her mouth opened to speak but why should she? She didn't want to do that. Then she heard the voice again.

Act like Snape! DO IT NOW! Moodys eyes narrowed as he looked at her.

Then there was pain. Her body broke out in a sweat. Olivia tried to push through it. She felt her body move on its own, crossing her arms over her chest and her back stiffened.

Her face was still scowling. Her mouth opened to speak to mock her guardian but- "No!" She heaved.

Moody raised a brow at her. "Well it seems that Evans has got some fight in her. Nearly lost it, but she's over came the curse."

Olivia tried her best to stand tall but her knees were shaking. But she was determined to show no weakness. Especially not to this man.

On the evening of October 30th they were all lined up by houses outside waiting for the arrival of the two other schools.

"Aha! Unless I am very much mistaken the delegation from Beauxbatons approaches!" Called out Dumbledore

"Where?" Said many student eagerly looking. Then Olivia seen it, above the forest was something flying.

"There!" She said pointing it out.

Someone said it was a dragon but then Colins little brother Dennis, said "Don't be stupid it's a flying house!"

He was close but it was a flying carriage the size of a large house. Driven by dark winged horses that were the size of elephants.

And before they knew it the students were jumping out of the way and in the landed carriage popped out one of the largest women Olivia had ever seen. Behind them were about a dozen boys and girls shivering in the cold of October, in their silk uniforms. The Beauxbatons greeted Dumbledore and went inside.

For a few minutes they stood and waited until Lee Jordan shouted, "The lake! Look at the lake!"

In the water was a whirlpool and something was raising up from it. Then suddenly a full ship had emerged and anchored down. The Durmstrang headmaster was a brute of a man, in fact all the students seem to have been bulkier size.

The headmasters were talking and as the Durmstrang headmaster ushered forward a student whispers broke out around Olivia. Krum! Viktor Krum!

 Krum! Viktor Krum!

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