Betrayed of the past...

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No one pov:
William couldn't stand the fact that he had killed his own daughter in that car crash that was for Clara....

'How could I let this happen!' looks next to him and sees Michael is asleep on the couch

'No it's not fully my fault, Michael should have made sure she was in the car while I had cut the brakes that would have help her turn more slower than her original speed!' slowly getting up from his spot William pulled out a gun from the cabinet that was hidden behind a jar of oatmeal that no one eats

'Its all Michael's fault that the plan didn't work' puts bullets in the gun and slowly walks over to the sleeping boy, puts the gun to Michael's head and pulled the trigger "Bang"

Blood started to come out of the boys head and William put the gun in his back pocket and walks over to the door "I need a drink" looks over to his now "dead" son "hehe" walks out the door to his car and starts the car with his keys "I will get rid of his body in the morning, not like anyone will come home to see him"

Michael pov:
Blood was coming out of his head and slowly his body started to get as cold as ice and his skin turn to a deathly white with Mike awake to fill his life being drain from him he had woken up when he heard a click from the gun before he was shot, but unknown to William and lucky for Michael that the room was to dark for William to see he had shot through top half of his head and the bullet didn't hit anything important other than make him bleed

"Ahh!" Slowly Mike crawl over to the phone and calls for help saying he was shot with a gun near his head, but he passed out from the lack of blood before he could tell them who shot him


William pov:
It was now midnight and William was at a bar drinking by himself before he got a call from the hospital he picked it up

"What is it!"

"Sir please calme down we have called to tell you that your son was shot and is now getting surgery"

Frozen from what the Nurse or Doctor had said that Mike survive and had called for help


"Ah! I am so when can I see him?"  'come on William you have to pretend you care or else they will learn you shot Mike's

"You can come visit in the morning he should be awake by then"

"Alright, thank you" hangs up the phone

'How could he have survived that bullet!' looks over to his left and sees that one of the parents of the kids he killed on the news still trying to get people to help him find his kids

"Hehe" takes another sip of his drink and leaves without paying and the workers didn't even notice him leave without paying....

Michael pov:
The doctor had finally finished the surgery and Michael had heard little bits of what they were saying

"The kid got lucky-"

"We should check-"

"Any news about-"

The next line he heard was very clear

"His Father will be here in the morning"

After hearing that Michael started to think of ways to get out, not wanting his Father to try and kill him or lie about what happened

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