Chapter 13

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After what happened with Damon I ran off back into the forest. I need clothes. I sigh. I ran back to the rented out mansion and once I searched the house and found no one there I shifted back and ran to my room and to the bathroom.

I took a quick shower and wrapped a towel around my body as I stepped out of the bathroom. I picked out my lingerie and put that on. I dried my hair letting it fall down my back. I walked to my closet picking out blue skinny jeans, grey low neck long sleeved shirt and black converses.

I heard my phone ring and I quickly answer it without checking who it is.

"Hello?" I say.

"Alex we need you back in New Orleans." Marcel says to me urgently. I instantly worry.

"Why what's going on?" I ask him.

"The witches are doing this ritual tonight and sacrificing 4 girls for they're ancestors to regain they're ancestral magic." I sigh. Bloody witches.

"I'll be there in 3 maybe 4 hours." I tell him before hanging up. I quickly grab my keys and run out to my car putting it in drive and sped down the street.


I sped down the highway passing cars etc. I've been getting calls non-stop from my father asking where am I. Well he does not need to know I'm going to New Orleans. Right now my city needs me so I can't have any distractions. I even got a call from Damon.

I started running low on gas so I pulled into a gas station. I put the pump in and waited for it to be filled. While I was waiting I felt someone starting at me. I turn and saw a guy in sunglasses starting at me. That's not sketchy or anything. The guy went behind the building and I sped over pinning him to the wall. He growled at me.

Of course a hybrid. I quickly ripped his heart out and tossed it behind me. I wiped the blood on his jacket and grabbed his phone. I dialed my father s number, he answered on the second ring.

"Xavier did you find out where my daughter is going?" He asks.

"Sorry Xavier can't make it to the phone right now he's missing a heart to talk." I smirk. "Oh and don't have yours hybrids follow me unless you want them to die." That was the last thing I said before hanging up and breaking the phone. I walked back over to my car and pulled the pump out and got back into the car and sped off.

Two hours later I made it to New Orleans. After I Have parked my car I walked my way into the French Quarter. I walked around until I made it to the compound. Once I entered the compound I was greeted by the day walkers who were there like Thierry and Diego.

"I assume Marcel called?" Thierry asked. I nodded.

"Speaking of Marcel where is he?" I ask Thierry.

"His room." I nod and head up to his room. When I walked in he was shirtless.

"It's not nice to knock I could be indescent." He states. I roll my eyes. God he reminds me of Damon sometimes.

"I've seen worse." I state with a smirk which he returns. He walks over to a drawer and pulled out a dark grey short sleeved shirt and threw it on. He walks over and hugs me which I return. We pull apart and he explains to me what has been happening here and we headed to a bar where the night walkers are so we can come up with a plan for attack tonight on the witches.

I entered the bar and I got quite a few surprised looks.

"Don't look so surprised and anyways who would  like to kill some witches tonight?" Once I said that they all smiled like chesire cats. One of the guys whooped and I chuckled like the rest. Marcel steps up next to me.

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