Chapter 7

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You've seen everyone get by and retrieve their egg. You were so nervous for Harry. That horn tail seemed really vicious from when you saw him two nights ago. You could tell Harry was nervous too. Sadly you couldn't go down to the tent and be with him.

" Three of our champions have now faced their dragons and so each one of them will proceed to the next task. And now our fourth and final contestant."

Harry enters the rocky arena. The crowd are cheering his name. He sees the golden egg sitting alone, he makes a run for it but the dragon appears. Harry's forced to retreat behind a rock as the dragon flames him. Harry stumbles and falls around the arena. You gasped and peered over to check if he's alright

"Your wand Harry! Your wand!" Yelled Hermione

Harry summons a broom. He jumps on and flies off, the dragon gives chase. The dragon bursts through the crowd and they look stunned, the dragon had gotten out of the chains and went after Harry.

"Oh no."

"Hell be alright y/n that's just Harry..." said Hermione

You were nervous, and impatient. Minutes go by and Harry wasn't coming back.

"This is dreadful ". Hermione said

"Tell me about it. I feel like I'm going to lose my mind."

The crowds are mostly silent. You then saw something from the distance

"LOOK THATS HARRY!" You yelled

Everyone started screaming and clapping as Harry came back and grabbed the golden egg.

*time skip*

Harry is lifting the golden egg, people around him cheering. The Weasly twins have Harry sitting on their shoulders. You were cheering for him as the rest of Gryffindor in the common room.

"We knew you wouldn't die Harry." Said George

"Lose a leg."

"Or an arm."

"Pack it in altogether."


You laughed at the twins,

"Go on Harry, what's the clue?"

Seamus hands Harry the golden egg.

"Who wants me to open it? You want me to open it?"

The crowd cheers again, and He opens the egg and a loud horrific screech comes out, everyone shrieked as it was painful to their ears, he closes it again.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Said Harry

Ron appears in the doorway, everyone sees him and they look between Harry and Ron.

"Alright everyone, go back to your knitting. This is gonna be uncomfortable enough without all you nosey sods listening in."

Ron walked closer as did Harry.

"I reckon you'd have to be barking mad to put your own name in the goblet of fire."

"Caught on have you. Took you long enough."

"Wasn't just me who thought you'd done it. Everyone was saying it behind your back, well except y/n she was sticking up for you."

" Brilliant. That makes me feel loads better."

"At least I warned you about the dragons."

"Hagrid warned me about the dragons."

"Oh no no, I did. Don't you remember? I told Hermione to tell you that Seamus told me that Parvati told Dean that Hagrid was looking for you. Seamus never actually told me anything, so it was really me all along. I thought you'd be alright, you know, after you figured that out."

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