9 - ...great responsability

Depuis le début

Maybe Pietro's right, maybe I'm worrying too much...but how can I stay calm! My best friend is out there who knows where, his uncle went looking for him, but he didn't come back! I swear, as soon as I see that turniphead of Pete, I'm going to smack him upside the head! Why does he always have to make me worry?! Why does he always have to make us worry?!...I just want him to be here, the rest doesn't matter, I just want him to be here....

You've always accepted me the way I am, not the way others wanted me, you've always been there for me, you're the only friend I have...please....

Pietro POV

Where the hell are you, wall-crawler?! Look how worried Wanda is. I can't keep this fake smile forever, please come back. You're the only friend I have, the three of us are a team: the three of us against the world!

Before I met you I didn't have any friends...no real friends, at least. Wanda and I were alone, but you lit up our days, so you have to come back, you have to.

Mrs. Maximoff POV

Oh Peter, why did you leave? Look how your aunt May is suffering, we are all worried about you...come back here to the people who love you.

Aunt May POV

Peter, my darling...please God, let him be okay...let everyone be okay!.... Richard, Mary...please watch over them, wherever you are...Peter, Ben, please be careful....

Peter POV

I felt that sort of alarm in my head again, so I instinctively ducked down and realized that I had dodged a bullet, and as I looked back, I saw the guy who had fired the gun, so I shot a web at him and pulled, so as to push myself towards him. Taking advantage of the tugging effect I kicked him and sent him to the mat.


I was tired, but it looked like we had won, so in between gasping breaths

Peter: "Huff~" lifting my mask "I think that's all of 'em uncle Be-...Ben?"

A few hours later...

The police drove me home, I walked up to the door and knocked.

*knock knock*

Aunt May: "Peter! Ben!" exclaimed Aunt May, I heard her through the door about to open for me. How was I going to tell her...how was I going to tell her that...? "Peter! Oh, Peter!" she said, hugging me "Where's your uncle?"

Peter: "..."

Aunt May: "Peter...where is your uncle Ben?" I remained silent, with my head down "W-why are you wearing his jacket?" I slowly looked up, showing my red, teary eyes, but I couldn't look into her eyes, then she noticed the presence of the police officers and realized "No...oh my God!" she hugged me, crying in despair. Mrs. Maximoff covered her mouth with her hands and a few tears began to leak from her eyes. I stood there, motionless, barely able to embrace her, feeling like I was dying inside.

We stayed like that for a few minutes, then we went inside and, after I went to my room, the police told aunt May what had happened: I didn't have the courage to look her in the face.

As soon as I entered I put my backpack on the floor and sat on the bed. After a while I heard a knock on the window, so I turned around and saw that it was Wanda and Pietro, I went to open and Wanda squeezed me in a hug.

Wanda: "Peter! We saw the police outside, we feared the worst! But...what happened to you?"

I stood there, motionless, without emotion.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jun 18, 2021 ⏰

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