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As Tommy kept tressing his way back to the Greater Smp he couldn't help but think that Tubbo and Ranboo were acting a little bit off. However Tommy decided to brush this off once he made his way to the community house. Purpled will come shortly so I'll go to my employee Sam Nook and see if he's done with the rings. Heading to the location where his hotel as he drifted off in his head he couldn't help contain his smile of imagining getting so much Primes when he gets married with Purpled. Not long after that, he spots Sam Nook off in the distant.

"SAMMM NOOKK!" "SAMMM NOOK, BIG MAN TOMMY IS HERE!" Tommy yelled across the prime path. Tommy runs up to Sam Nook, "Hello Sam Nook."




Sam Nook held his hand and open his mechanical palm showing the rings. Tommy's eyes widened, "Sam Nook.....THEY'RE SO FUCKING POGGER. I LOVE THEM."


Sam Nook hands the rings over to Tommy, once the rings were in Tommy's hand he clutch them to his chest. "Thank you so much Sam Nook I'll be sure to invite you to the wedding!" Tommy exclaimed while leaving the hotel.


Once Tommy arrive in the community house he can already see Purpled and Sapnap from the distance. As Purpled and Sapnap were chatting, Purpled caught the sight of his platonic husband. "Hey Tommy" Purpled smiled. "Hey Tommy" Sapnap greeted the younger teen. Tommy walked to both of them, "Hey you two, how was bedwars?" Tommy questioned. Purpled smirked in triumph, "I beat his ass by a lot, he's as worse as you." Sapnap fired back, "Tommy your husband is so sweaty lil bitch is the sweatiest person in bedwars ever." Tommy paled, and immediately asked his husband, "HE KNOWS WE ARE MARRIED!?" Purpled sighed, "Yeah cracknap, found out through looking at my communicator so I told his as he better not snitch or I'll tell Karl and Quackity that he lost the wedding rings so that's why they had to get new ones."

"Don't worry Tommy I won't snitch plus I CANT AFFORD MY FIANCÉS TO FIND OUT ABOUT THE RINGS!" Sapnap cried. Tommy took a breath of relief he turned to Sapnap, "Since you're the first person to know we are married beside Sam Nook would you be our witness when I propose to Purpled with rings this time?" He continued, "It's not the official wedding yet but we need at least a witness when I propose." Tommy explained. "Of course man, I know we had our differences but we been friends since the early start of the smp." Sapnap whole heartedly said.

Tommy took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerve. He turned to Purpled who was texting what appears to be his agent in bedwars. "Purpled?" Tommy calling his platonic husband attention. "Yeah Toms?" Purpled fully turned to him putting his communicator in his inventory. "Purp?" Tommy getting down in one knee pulling out the purple ring, "Will you platonically marry me officially with the rings this time?" Purpled eyes the crying obsidian ring, he fucking loved how it turned out, Purpled smiled affectionally, "Fuck yeah!" Tommy's faced brightened, slid the ring in Purpled index finger.

Soon the moment was cut off my a certain blaze hybrid, "FUCCCKKK YEAH! CONGRATS GUYS! I'm glad to be you're witness, can't wait for the actual wedding." Sapnap winked.

"BITCHES IM OFFICALLY MARRIED!" Tommy matched Sapnap excitement. "I'll be sure to invite your fiancé's to the wedding."

Sapnap smiled at the thought, "Heck yeah I'll wait for the invites bye guys enjoy the marriage!" As Sapnap went through the portal to go to Kinoko Kingdom. Purpled eyes locked to Tommy, "Where's your ring Tommy?"

Tommy turned to Purpled, "It's right here Purp" Tommy showed his left hand, the copper ring fitting perfectly in his husband finger. Extending his hand, "Let's go to your poor ass dirt house we need food." Purpled teased. "FUCK YOU PUSSY! It's the best house, it's just the outside that is covered in dirt the lower basement is cool as fuck!" Tommy fired back.


Incorrect Quote time! :D

Tommy: That is a good point. But I didn't marry you for good points. I married you to blindly support me no matter how ridiculous I'm being.

Purpled: This is why I had to rewrite our wedding vows.

Tommy *nudges Purpled at 4am*
Tommy: Do you like me?

Purpled: I married you

Tommy: Yes but did you marry me as a friend, or like a wife? Unclear.

Purpled: Tommy go the fuck back to sleep.

Purpled: Punz always has a problem with what I'm doing.

Tommy: Probably because you're doing me.

Purpled: *glares*

Tommy: *smirks*
(Completely platonic!!)

Last one:
Tubbo: what's a thot?

Foolish: it's a thoughtful person

*later in the dinner table with Purpled, Ranboo, and Tommy*

Tommy: here's the salt Tubso

Tubbo: Thanks Tommy you're such a thot! :D

Purpled: *spits out the water*

Ranboo: *chokes* God no Tubbo!

Tommy: Fuck you Tubbo
For context this is Purpled ring

This is Tommy's

I don't know how to upload photos here but this is their rings.


Lol hope y'all enjoy. This isn't an official wedding nah, I'm a dramatic bitch and the platonic duo will have a dramatic wedding. Also question who should wear a wedding dress hmmmm??? Anyone likes CrackNap- I mean Sapnap?

Hope y'all enjoy! :P

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