The outcome

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Maya's POV

Everyone's jaws hit the floor, they could not believe it, Carina and Gabriella were actually in the back of the ambulances, I looked over to Andrew and he was basically in tears, everyone was so shocked that they just frozen until Hunt spoke up. "Listen up guys, you know exactly what to do, Deluca, you are sitting out of this one, so and be with your sister and niece but NOT as a doctor, Shepherd and I will take Gabriella, Shepherd can do a neuro exam and then go to Carina , everyone else with Carina, let go go go" he shouted. But as I was about to get back into the ambulances to get back to station 19 I heard a voice. "Maya, please stay" said Gabriella. I wasn't sure what to do so I looked over to Andy who was stood there nodding her head, I took that was a sign. "Of course sweetie, 19, get back to the station, Herrera you are acting Captain till I get back, I as head inside with Gabriella.

Gabriella's POV

Not going to lie that ambulances ride was pretty cool, I've always wanted to travel in an ambulance with the light on, but not in the situation I was in.

When we got to the hospital there was loads of doctors everywhere all panicking, probably because mama wasn't waking up and they all knew her, uncle Andrew also looked very upset, I said that he would come with me to go get checked out but I told me that he should go with mama, because mama was in really bad condition and that I had Maya go stay with me anyways. So he went to mama while the doctor wheeled me into a trauma room to check me out.

"Hello Gabriella, my name is Amelia Shepherd and I work with brains when they get injured, and you seem to have a very nasty cut on your face, do you mind if I take a look to make sure it's not serious" she asked me. "Is it going to hurt ?" "Nope not at all" she told me as she started the exam". I was so scared it was going to hurt but it didn't help at all, she said everything looked okay but just to make sure she wanted to send me for this scan on my head called a CT scan. She then left the room. Next it was the other doctors turn.

"Hi, I'm Doctor Owen Hunt, and I'm a trauma surgeon so I basically work with the whole body to make it better, I see that your arm looks bad, do you mind if I take a look". He asked me but as soon as he told me who he was my face dropped, it was only a few hours earlier that mama had told me who my father was and I said I didn't want to meet him, and there he was, standing right in front of me. Oh god, what was I going to do, I'd didn't know, so all I did was nod my head and go really quite as he looked at my arm. "Gabriella I'm just going to step out for a minute" he said as he walked out. I then immediately turned to Maya and started crying.

"Hey, hey, Hey, Gabriella, what's wrong, I'm sure that both you and your Mama are going to be perfectly fine, there is nothing to worry about, there are some of the best doctors here" she told me as she held my hand. "No it's not that, well it is kind of that but can you remember earlier today when I walked in on you and mama kissing and I asked about my father, well mama finally told me who it was, it's my doctor, my dad is Owen Hunt and I don't know what to do." I said in between tears. "But you can't tell anyone, you have to promise" I told her. "Your father is Owen Hunt, wow, I never saw that coming, at least you look like your mama and not your father, would you like me to ask for a different doctor, I'm happy to do that ?" She tells me. "No no I'm fine, just people don't tell anyone" I say as Owen walks back in. "So looks like your arms is broken which means I am going to have to put a cast on it but after a few weeks it should be as good as new, and you even get to chose the colour ! I will get someone to come and do it for you, then you can go for your head CT and if everything is clear, then you are good to go" he feels me.

After some time, another doctor comes in and casts my arm, obviously I choose the colour pink, Maya staying with me the whole time, after that I was sent for my scan which Maya could not come into but she promised she would wait outside the door for me and she did. Dr shepherd then said I was clear to go, but I didn't really have anywhere to go, so Maya took me to the waiting room too see if we could find anyone to tells us about Mama.

Maya's POV

I actually can't believe Gabriella's dad is Owen Hunt, it just seems so weird...... anyways moving on, I'm glad she is okay, one of the nurses gave her candy so she seems to be occupied for the minute but I think she is really scared, so am I.

Once the doctor discharges her I take her to the waiting room where I see Andrew sat there, so I leave Gabriella eating her candy and playing on my phone while I go and talk with him too see how she is. "How is she" I ask him. "I'm not really sure because I don't really know much, but she's alive, they had no time to wait so they took her straight into surgery, she has the best surgeons so I know she will have the best outcome, I just hope it's the one we want, an intern came out a minute ago to update me and they said that she has already coded,
Due to blood loss, she internal bleeding and they need fo remove her spleen and she is also having brain surgery, the air bags didn't go off so she hit her head pretty bad and there is bleeding in the brain, so doctor shepherd is trying to stop it now, I just hope and pray that she wake up with no long lasting damage, Gabriella needs her mother and I need my sister, we are the only family we have" he tells me as tears are steaming down his face. "Andrew, I don't do this very often, because frankly I don't like it but apparently people feel better after one so I'm going to hug you right now" I tell him and I try to comfort him. "Gabriella is okay, she has a broken arm which now has a pink cast on it and her head is okay, just a few stitches, she will be as good as new in no time"

After a short amount of time Gabriella finishes her Candy and gets board so comes back over and sits inbetween Andrew and I and leans on her uncle until she falls asleep.

After a few hours all of Carina's doctors come out of the swinging double doors. And me and Andrew both carefully stood up in order not too wake Gabriella. "The surgery was successful, we managed to stop the bleeding in both her abdomen and brain, it's now just a waiting game to see when she wakes up and if any damage has been caused, you can go and see her if you like" they told Andrew. "But what about Gabriella" "you go, I've got her" I said as he left to go and visit his sister as I went to sit back down with Gabriella.

It felt like hours since Andrew had left to see Carina when he finally came back. "Any changes" I ask as he shakes his head. "Do you mind if I go sit with her for a few minutes" I ask him. "Go head, room 1005" he tells me as I walk to the room.

As I arrived at the room I pushed open the door, the only noise I could hear was the bleeping of the machines, I was a bit hesitant to go in any further but I did. I sat down in the chair and placed my hands on top of hers, I just sat there for a few minutes until I decided to talk. "Hi Carina, it's me, Maya Bishop, you probably can't hear me right now but I just wanted to let you know that I'm here and that I stayed with Gabriella the whole time and she is okay, she has no major injuries and right now, she is just sleeping, you saved her life, you know that right? If it wasn't for you she would probably have much worse injuries, but that quick thinking of yours saved her, and when we got to the car Gabriella was awake and was telling us to help you first because she could not wake you up, she was so scared bless her..... and yeah that's it really" I said to her. I took a deep breath in. "You are are probably wondering why I'm here in the first place, like all we did was hook up once, I didn't think I need a girlfriend and you probably have more on your mind than a girlfriend right now, but I wanted to tell you that I think I'm catching feelings for you, I mean I've never felt this way about anyone. You are just so kind and beautiful, and you are just the most amazing mother and I just find it so cute when you mix up your American idioms,I just, I want to get to know you better, maybe take you on a date once you wake up..... and yes I'm well aware that I'm telling you all this right know when you can't hear me, so when you wake up i promise I am going to find the courage to tell you this again when you can actually hear me, and if you say no that's fine because at least I tried and hopefully we can stay friends" i told her until suddenly I felt movement..


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