Time For a Bit of Improvisation.

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Tom shook his head. "No! No! I'm fine! I can sleep later! Trust me, you don't need to worry. I'm not important."


"I'm not Important."

That's what Tom had said. But why? What happened to Tom while he was gone? Nevertheless, Tord was going to find out.

Tord climbed into the front seat as Tom followed but on the passenger side. Tord started up the car and began their trip.

"So, this might take a while," Tord stated bluntly. "So, you might as well get comfortable."

Tom hummed in response as he pulled a tablet out of a bag Tord didn't realize he had. Tom started doodling a bit until he received a notification. Tom frowned at it so Tord naturally assumed it wasn't good.

"Everything okay?" Tord asked with a hint of concern in his voice.

"Yeah, its nothing..." Tom mumbled in response as the tablet's screen went dark. "Dammit! He exclaimed. "Shit...er...sorry."

"Hey its fine! Marie's young anyways, she probably doesn't hear us anyway-" Tord stated until he was cut off by the sound of Marie screaming from the back seat.

"Oh god, I got her!" Tom cried as he unbuckled his seatbelt and climbed into the back.

Tord could hear Tom's soft, reassuring coos to Marie as he attempted to calm her down.

"FUCK!" Tord screamed as some other driver almost cut him off. "DAMN DRIVERS! I SWEAR I'LL- "

"TORD STOP! You're really not helping back here!" Tom snapped.

Tord quieted. And the cries from the back grew louder, and louder.

Tord heard Tom scream from the back, along with his voice sounding very panicked as he tried to lull Marie to sleep.

Then it was quiet. No crying, no soft coos.


"Tom?" Tord called, the panic rising in his voice. "Are you alright?"

"Marie threw up...C-Can you go slower, or maybe pull over?" Tom mumbled quietly.

Tord slowed the car to a stop as he pulled to the side of the road.

Luckily, the rain had stopped. They were in open country. The sounds of crickets and other nocturnal creatures were heard as Tord hopped out of the car. He opened the rear door on his side and climbed in to check on Marie. Tom had Marie on his lap as he tried to clean her off. He looked at Tord with a panicked look in his black voids he called "eyes."

"Here, Tom give her to me." Tord held out his arms and Tom carefully gave him Marie. "Okay, can you hand me a change of clothes for her?"

Tom rummaged around in the car and found some clothes, along with some diapers and baby wipes. "Here Tord, I found this." Tom muttered as he handed them off to Tord.

Eventually, Tord had Marie all clean and fresh, and she was napping in his arms. He heard another groan come from Tom as he turned to look at him.

"Tom? Are you alright?" Tord asked concerningly.

"Marie got puke all over my pants. I took off the hoodie because I was hot, but the only clean pants I packed are these;" Tom held up a pair of pajama bottoms that were, well, booty shorts.

Tord stifled a laugh. "Put them on then, you have nothing else..."

"Its NOT FUNNY TORD!" Tom cried. Tord gestured to Marie, and Tom whispered an apology to Tord.

Yours, Forever & Always.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt