More questions and answers

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Thank you so much for inspiring me, 

Without further Ado, Here are the answers.

1. You can call me Naomi, or Ana.

2. I'm a minor, that's all you need to know.

3. Black, but they say it is a shade, so I'll go with silver.


5. It's a name I came up years ago while thinking of random thoughts at 2 AM. It stuck. NaomiFier2. the '2' is there because I had an account earlier, but had to delete it for... long story. Since this is my second account...

6. Single. No crush.

7. OHH THIS IS HARD. I went through these phases. BNHA is the only anime I know, so...

     Phase 1 was Todoroki, because of the Stoic, and the Sassy

     Phase 2 was Denki, because of the Crackhead Knockhead

     Phase 3 is Bakugo, because of the BakuAngst.

8. Haikyuu, but that was only 1 episode annnddd I gave up on it.

9. None. I follow the BNHA manga.

10. There is a traditional test in our family when a kid becomes something months old. You lay out different things in front of them. And note down the first three items they touch. The type of items laid out in front of me were 

     Bangles, bracelets, rings, makeup items, hairbrushes, etc

     Screwdriver, tester, pens, paper, paint, watches, etc

So I went and picked a screwdriver, a pen, and something else no one can remember, but I absolutely ignored all the beauty items/accessories.

11.   18 of July

12. Getting  my dry feet wet. Ugh. No.

13. Nighttimeeeeee.

14. Sleeping through the morning on a rainy day.

15.  18

16. Coffee, cuz I dunno what tea tastes like, and I only tried coffee recently.

17. Semolina boiled in milk with a few nuts added. Kheer is a great competition.

18. Kiribaku?? Solangelo?? Anything with angst, really.

19. Indian.

@kirigirl0 , where you at?? I tag you.

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