It's not that you don't like Felix or that you do like Felix. You haven't been with a man in a long time and right now the idea frightened you.

Not to mention your were a virgin to a lot of things, not just sex. You'd never had your first kiss or your first boyfriend. Your protectors had ruined the taste of men for you.

Along with getting comfortable with Felix, you've also been trying to see if anything has been found on the three men who tried to assault you. Seena and Tula have been trying their hardest to get some information out of you, but you're too stubborn. You want to do this on your own-No you need to do this on your own.

You have become scared of the unknown; At first, it was just the darkness but then as more letters came you started to grow frightened of the daytime too. Being alone in general was proving to be too much of a task. Somehow, allowing your fear to get the better of you, you finally listened to Felix and ended up in front of your father's job. Not that you had much of a choice, Felix wasn't giving you one.

"The Seoul Police Department." you say to yourself as you read the large letters atop the building. Entering, you're greeted by many faces that you've grown used to over the years.

"God, is that you, Ara?" you smile as Detective Walker, walks up to you.

"Hey Detective," you speak softly

"My god, you've grown so much!" he says, "What brings you here? Is--Is everything okay?" his voice laced lightly with worry

"Ah, yes! Everything's okay." you lie effortlessly, "I just need to see my father."

His smile seems a little less genuine as you speak but you ignore the sudden change.

"That's fine! Come this way, the big mans in his office," he says as he turns to walk and you follow.

It doesn't take long for you to arrive at your father's door. Walker knocks a few times before a voice is heard,

"Give me a minute. Let me wrap this up." you hear your father state

Detective Walker pulls you from the door swiftly, as he hears it begin to open.

"As always, it's a pleasure Mr. Kim." a man dressed in all black, wearing a black mask and cap that hid his identity well speaks so softly

"Of course, PJ. Thank you for the tip, I'll look into it." your father says before the man turns to walk away.

Immediately, your eyes caught each other. He looked like he had seen a ghost but you didn't mind it, in fact you felt comfortable under his fierce gaze.


Shaken from your thoughts, you walk into your father's office, still feeling the man's eyes upon you.

"Thank you, Walker."

"No problem, Cheif," he says as he steps out and closes the door behind him

"Sit down, plum. Why are you acting as if you've never been in my office."

You smile slightly at your dad's words as you take a seat in front of his desk.

You glance around the room and take notice of the lack of pictures of you growing up. A person could almost assume he has no family, just by entering this room.

All your Beauty pageants, scholastic decathlons, sports, musicals, none of it was showcased. That always bothered you, your parents made sure that you participated in everything so why did he hide it?

"I know you didn't only come to view my office." he says playfully

"No dad...I'm here as a victim." you say lowly

His eyes widen slowly and you watch his hands clench into fists.

"What?" he whispers

"About a week or so ago, I went out with friends--"

"Yes, I remember. You called your mother and me a few hours before you left."

"Mm." you hum, "Well, around the early hours of the night going into the morning, we all decided to leave, I told them I'd take a taxi home and that was the plan. It was cold which was weird in and of itself. Cold at the end of August? Weird... Anyway, I was so worried about keeping warm that I walked aimlessly without getting a taxi."

"Many times, your mother and I have told you to watch your surroundings--"

"Daddy, I know! Can I finish please? Do you interrupt all those that come to you?" you say visibly irritated

"You're right, plum." he noticeably calms down a small amount before you continue

"Three men pulled me into an alley and I kicked and screamed and fought--" a tear begins to try and fall from your eye, but you hold it in. Your dad being the compassionate man he is, immediately came to your side as he saw you about to break down.

He wrapped you in a tight side-hug as he knelt beside you, "Take your time, Ara." he states

You sniffle and nod weakly as a tear betrays you and falls, "As they were about to--to--well--you know." you say,

"A man came out from the darkness and shot them. He tried to get me, dad. He told me to stay put but I stood up and ran, I ran until I found a diner--"

"A diner?" he says suspiciously, "Plum, where were you?"

You sniffle once again, "The--The Jung district."

Your father stands shocked, no air leaving his lungs as he eyes you.

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