💔Chapter Uno💔

34 4 1

Y/n Pov

Beep Beep Beep!

Omg its the first day of school, I cant wait to see my friends. Shit. I mumble as It was 6:03 my bus came at 6:30 I quikly got dressed into a hoodie and jeans. 

As I make my way to the bus 

Bus driver=BD

BD- Hello Y/N I have missed you how was your summer!?

Y/N- It was great thank you!

As I walked to my seat no one sat next to me because alot of people at my school hate me. Im a disgrace as they would say it, ESPECALLY my enemy mads lewis. 

As I walked into school I was greated bye Addison

Addison- Hey girl, have you seen the new boy he is sooooooo hot 

She said that and walked away as I start to look around saying hi to the people who i saw Thats when I saw the new boy.

He had a perfect jawline with brown hair with blonde tips. As I continue to study his features I realize He had two big scars one over his eye the other down his cheak. As I continued to look OMG-  

He had a big white bandage pad on his neck like the ones that help with a huge cut around the neck.

Then I saw mads walk up to him

Jadens Pov

As I wake up to a sharp pain on the side of my cheak,

jadens mom=Jm

jadens dad=Jd

Jm= You worthless brat get up you will be late for school!
As she said that i got up out of bed and started to get ready Wait here is my backstory first.


my dad started to abuse me ever sence my mom left but soon after she came back and started to hit me to. my dad is in the maffia and wants me to lead when im 18 right now im 17. My sister was taken away from me when i was 5, Ive been looking for her ever sence. I smoke, DO hard core drugs, and drink. Ive been arrested 7 times before for murder. Im a monster as many people say. but i swear it was all my dad.....

Flashback over

~New Boy~ A  jaden hossler storyWhere stories live. Discover now