I got down the elevator in the parking area and ran to my car. Najmah was still very much asleep so I carefully and quickly placed her on the front passengers seat, buckled my seatbelt and quickly drove out of the parking area with full speed. I didn't have any gadget to use to call anyone, my phone fell in the storage room. I didn't know what to do right now, I had to inform the police and I had to secure Najmah's safety. I wasn't sure if we were still safe.

I drove to Ummah's place, that was the only place I could sit down, think calmly, inform the police and ensure Najmah's safety.

What was happening?

I honestly had lots of questions floating inside my head.

Who would possibly want to take Najmah away from me?.

I was more than sure that I had zero enemies so who would possibly want to take Najmah away.

———————Jalan Pantai Dalam, Santuary Park Pantai,  Kuala Lumpur, 11:00pm.

I got to my parents place safely and rushed in quickly, I had already made sure no one was tailing me. " Oh my Fauziyyah, how're you?" Nanny Aisha asked immediately she opened the door for me to enter. Khalifa had probably called them to inform them. I gently caressed Najmah's back as I walked into the house with her. It was very hard to wake up Najmah from sleep. She needed a shower and a change of clothes so she could sleep well. She had a room here with clothes and everything she needed.

My room was opposite hers, I had enough to wear here also. There were days when Abbah travelled and Ummah needed us to keep her company. Ummi enjoyed staying at home on her own, she said it was much more peaceful.

" My daughter, are you alright?, Khalifa called us and he's on his way here, what happened?" Ummah asked immediately I walked into the living room. She collected Najmah from me as Abbah gave me a warm hug, I really needed it. " we called the police and sent them over to your apartment, what happened Faryah?" Abbah asked as he sat me down on a couch. " someone broke into our house and she wanted to take Najmah away, we're not safe if that person is still lurking around"

" oh my Allah, who would do such a thing?" Ummah exclaimed. She was frightened. " I luckily managed to get away from her, she had this really funny Korean or Chinese accent when she told me to surrender Najmah" that was the only thing we could use to find who she was. " did you get to see her face?" Abbah asked and I shook my head. " I'm sure the police are at your apartment already, you'll go over there tomorrow for questioning, you and Najmah are safe here, I'll get bodyguards for you" He added as he turned ok the television. " We're all not safe until that person is caught, don't you have any idea who would do this to you Faryah" Ummah asked as she patted Najmah's back. " No idea Ummah" I answered and looked at the television. It was at Al- Jazeera news.

There was something about Olyster Textiles on the news. " I'll just change this.."

" No Abbah don't, wait" I snapped and stopped him from changing the channel as I got up from where I sat." Olyster textiles" I gasped as I read what was on the headline of the news.

Eight bombs simultaneously went off in eight branches of Olyster textiles.

In Mexico, Los Angeles, Australia, South Africa, Germany, Turkey, China and Mauritius.

Many civilians lost their lives and the minority were injured. They believed it was a terrorist attack and the Military was doing their best to get to the bottom of it.

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