Chapter 16.1

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Joan's head was spinning. She'd heard of Lucifer, of course, albeit under his unflattering alias. Who hadn't heard of Satan? Beelzebub. The Prince of Hell and Darkness. But she'd always imagined the Devil to have horns and goat legs. That he was a beast like they'd all made him out to be.
But the man who stood before her looked nothing like a beast. He was dangerously handsome. Anyone could lose themselves to him completely. This Lucifer had something about him. A most beguiling man indeed. Yet, Joan sensed something was off about him the moment he touched her hand - a darkness around him. Inside him.

"You don't have to fear me, my dear girl." Lucifer chuckled as she quickly lowered her eyes and took her hand back. "I have only your best interest at heart. Yours, and, of course..." 

He gestured her belly. Instinct took over, and Joan wrapped her cardigan around her as if that alone could protect the baby. She peered up through her lashes to see Lucifer's eyes narrowed at her action. He raised her chin with one finger. The moment she looked into his onyx eyes, she felt an inexplicable desire to throw herself into his arms. Somehow, she stood her ground.
Gabriël, a silent witness to the scene, suddenly pushed himself between them. The contact with Lucifer broke, and Joan felt the daze in her head clear as rapidly as it had taken over. She took a step aside. What in Heaven's name just happened?

"They're both healthy," said Gabriël in a firm tone of voice. "I thank you for your concern, Lucifer, but that's not why I called you here. There's a situation."

"A situation? Nothing too bad, I hope?" The Devil raised a brow.

"Borgia somehow tracked down the families of the Nephilim of this Sanctum. We believe he's seeking retribution for a personal grievance."

"I think I know what this grievance might be." Lucifer tsk-ed in annoyance. "Was anyone killed?"

"He attacked a young woman and her son," replied Joan. "They barely made it out alive. We don't know if they were the first."

He gave her a brief sideways glance. Even like this, Joan sensed him watching her closely. It was very hard to feel comfortable around this man, yet the urge to trust him was near impossible to ignore.

"If you can help us, we might prevent the worst from happening," said Gabriël. "I know I have no right to ask for your aid again, but -"

"Don't be silly, Gabriël. I vowed to help you when you needed help, did I not? Besides, Borgia's actions go against all I have decreed in the Circles. I shall deal with him, but I must ask a small favour in return. I need you to pass a message to Michael."

"I thought you wanted to keep a low profile?" 

"He doesn't have to know it's from me. Just make sure he understands the importance."

Lucifer handed Gabriël a folded piece of paper, who opened it and quickly scanned over the words. Joan saw the utter shock in his expression as his mouth dropped and his eyes widened in terror. She tried to read over his shoulder, but Gabriël hastily lowered the paper to keep her from doing so. He subtly shook his head at her. She huffed in response.

More secrets. Great.

"How do I know that any word of this is true?" demanded Gabriel. "This isn't exactly bad news for you. Why warn your enemy?"

"This affects all of us," said Lucifer. "Both the Vale and the Circles. Mortal souls taken by them are lost forever, you know that. And I'm not the one who has lied to you for years, Gabriël. I have kept my word so far, haven't I?"

Touché, thought Joan. One point for the Devil.

She watched Gabriël's body language closely. He'd been tense from the moment he brought her outside, but something was different now. His inner struggle bubbled right underneath the surface. Gabriël had always been one of God's favourites, and Joan had never imagined he would've been capable of breaking his vow of loyalty. Yet the vow he broke had been towards Michael, not God. So what did that mean for this Devil's pact he made? Just how far would Lucifer make her love go? 

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