Ch 64: Anything you Want

Start from the beginning

"Actually you said everything sparkles when I come around." I stated slyly, "like-"

"Evie." He cut me off, "I'm being serious."

"So you weren't when you said that?"

"I was." He stated quicker than expected, "but I am not an emotional man Evie... these things don't come naturally to me."

I smiled a bit at the slight pink tint to the top of his ears. He's blushing. How cute.

It made me wanna climb into his lap and lap at every inch of his skin.

"But as I said, I'm fond of you, but I am concerned about you and you're reactions to certain pressures and things. I also worry your past takes a bigger toll on you than you realize."

I narrowed my eyes at him trying to figure out if he was insulting me or hinting that he was ready to reject me. "And?"

"And I think if being my alpha female is something you truly desire you need to talk to someone."

I stared blankly at him, "talk to someone? Like a therapist?"

"Yes." He nodded, "it can be just anything that bothers you. You are not comfortable discussing everything with me.. and while that bothers my wolf, I understand."

I blinked.

Mr. forced to kill my own family is telling me to get therapy. "Are you in therapy?"

" you need me to be? If I were, would you go?" He asked, utterly serious.

"I... I mean I don't know..." I stabbed my carrots.

"If it makes you more comfortable if I did it as well, I do not mind."

I wasn't sure how to react to that, "You think I need it?"

"I think it will be good for you to talk to someone, and a therapist is one of the only pack members allowed to refuse to tell me things. So you not need to worry about that. You can even call me a dick if you want."

I laughed a little, "when I think you're being a dick I say it to your face."

"I know."

"Yeah..." I mumbled, "okay. Lets go talk to someone. Both of us, your fucked up too."

He nodded, "Alright. We only have one female therapist in the pack so I hope you like her."

I arched a brow.

"You're not getting emotional in a room alone with another man." He growled a little, "I know how you look when you're emotional."

"Does my crying face turn you on?" I teased.

The heated look he sent me could melt panties.

I winked.

"Plus..." he rumbled to himself. "I don't need another person trying to take advantage of you, I don't trust men around you. A womans better to talk about any... experiences you may have had that you don't wish to otherwise disclose."

"...experiences?" I asked.

He looked down at his food talking another bite before saying anything else, still not meeting my eyes, "incase someone hurt you..."

"Hurt me." I repeated.

"...sexually." He practically growled out, clearly on edge.

He wanted me to talk to this woman about my sex life and some of the shit one night stands I had.

"I would be a fool to think all of your sexual experiences were positive... considering the deltas..." this time he did growl, eyes flashing.

"They weren't." I stated bluntly, "all positive. And you're right... I don't think I can tell you even if I talked about it... you're my mate..." I don't want you to think any less of me.

He nodded stiffly, changing the subject, "I'll set up an appointment for you."

"And one for you."

"Yes." Another bite, " really are an excellent cook little one."

A small smile crept on my face, "is that you asking me to cook more often."

"You can as often as you want, cook whatever you desire."

"I can cook Anything?"

"You can do anything you want Evie."

I pretended not to notice what he said, "Im totally going grocery shopping tomorrow."

He nodded and our meal lapsed into a surprisingly comfortable silence.

I was surprised he wasn't trying to push about my past experiences or reject going to see someone as well.

Id half expected him to start a war over it all.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2021 ⏰

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