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Usagi pov:
'What is taken Luna so long!'
Focus on trying to open the door didn't realize that it open and fell inside
"AHH!" lands face first in the floor

"Ah! That hurt-"  looks over and sees that Chibius looked to be scared

"Chibius what's wrong?" goes out to touch her hand, but before she could try to see what was wrong Chibius had ran out of the bathroom and straight to her room

"What was that all about?" Gets off the floor and dust her self off

"I don't think she was on the phone with Mamoru Usagi" looks over and sees Luna at the window

"Ahh! Luna why didn't you open the door!" Points her finger at the black cat

"'sigh' Listen Usagi who ever Chibius talked to seems to know her personally"

Looks at Luna, before it clicked

"Wait so that mean they could give us answers!"

Luna pov:
Looks at the Usagi before a sigh came out of her mouth

"Yes we may get answers, but by how Chibius reaction was we may have a new villain to deal with"

"WWWHHAAAATTT!" quickly Usagi to get upset about the whole thing

"We need to go and tell the others Usagi so we can think of what to do"

Rose pov:
(At Mamoru apartment)
"Sigh" looks over at her Father still past out on the bed with a chain around his hands and feet

"Funny how we were able to get here don't you think Iris?" Looks over to her long time best friend siting on top of her Father

"I mean we did trick that driver to think he was to drunk to drive" looks over at Mamoru who smelled of alcohol that was sprayed on him by Rose

"Hopefully he won't screen when he wakes up" looks at her Father again

"But than again, he might scream for a bit" gets up and grab a clean cloth and wrapped it around his mouth

"That should do it" looks over to Iris with an evil smile "want to go through the whole kitchen to see what we should have for dinner?"

Iris looks a Rose with a smirk

"Why my princess that would be lovely!"

(Hey sorry if this was short)

Yandere sailor moon characters x child ocDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora