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Chapter 1 // streetball



Last week my dad got busted for some dumb shit he was doing and my mom's been pissed ever since then. She keep yelling at me for no reason so i left and went to go play ball but today just not my day.

I watched as the ball bounced off the side and landed by king, i sighed glancing off to the side of the court where some girls was cheering for me " you got this von!" She yelled

I half smiled back not even sure who that was but she seemed to know me " fasho" i said making her and her friends laugh

Straight up? I ain't got nothing. Me and king got zero points and the older niggas we playing with got eleven. One more point and they win. Big as King is you'd think he'd be able to block dre's lanky ass or something. Dre getting by him like he not even there. Got the homies going wild and got us looking like some fools.

I checked the ball to dre watching him grin extra wide " come on von you going out like this in front of them girls" he said, dre's my cousin so he'd be the last person to go easy on me

I laughed shaking my head " worry bout this whooping you gon take in front of your girls" i say

I hear dre's fiance nisha and there daughter start to laugh from over at the picnic table, but I was snapped back into reality by hearing my homie durk laugh. He was only a few years older than me but he's 20 so that basically puts him in a whole different world.

Durk smiled " mabye you should try to get a point before you start trash talking" he said

I rolled my eyes " forget you" i said passing the ball to king who checked it to dre's friend amar

Dre walked over to me getting ready to keep me away from amar "what you got cuz?" He joked

He started right and i followed after him running towards amar, King followed after me trying to keep dre away from us as i tried to get the ball which i was failing at. Next time i play ball imma play with the youngins so i know i can win, they only some middle schoolers anyway. I eventually did get the ball and i was about to try and score but someone i had never seen before caught my eye, he seemed out of place like he didnt belong here, he was tall but shorter than me and seemed really into the game. He also had a few scars on his forhead, three. I guess he realised I was looking at him cause he quickly stood up and started walking away.

I was knocked out my thoughts when king started yelling " von! Pay attention nigga" he yelled

Dre knocked the ball from my hands and took off passing king and ended up scoring " what!" He yelled as he and amar did the handshake they've been doing since they were kids

Amar smiled " they can't mess with us!" He yelled

Dre laughed " hell nah" he said and i was already starting to realise i would never hear the end of this

King slammed the ball aganist the concrete " shit!" He yelled

I sighed, he always takes it to far " chill out we'll get them next-" i tried to say but one of the other guys on the sideline interrupted with some bullshit talking about how he mess up his dads name

I sighed as he stormed off towards the car we drove here in, i followed after him to try and calm him down. I knew he was more then just mad about the game, all the big homies been just thinking about themselves lately and not us. That's why some of us sling on the side with out them knowing. I understand why Keith upset but all im thinking about is who that guy was and how come I've never seen him before.


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