Part 31:

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Sorry for not updating, I've been busy with loads of different stuff💐

Love you my little ones🐳

Lili POV:

I woke up sweating. My breaths were sharp and my head was spinning. It was a panic attack. Oh no. Logan awoke abruptly looking worried and panicked. I had to stop or I would stress out the baby.


I walked across the deserted lake side. It was where me and Logan went one night when I was upset. We wondered across the lake and suddenly out of nowhere a group of 200 men and women carrying fire torches and rakes. They came charging towards me shouting "YOU'RE NOT WORTH IT! HE DESERVES BETTER! YOU LIED TO HIM, ABOUT YOUR SELF HARM!! HE DOESN'T NEED YOU!! YOU'RE THE WORST PERSON FOR HIM!!"

I screamed loudly but nothing actually came out. I turned to Logan but he wasn't there, he was leading the crowd coming closer and closer, closing in on me. Every direction I looked pitch forks were coming towards me until at last they got to me. I was screaming and crying but they looked emotionless and starred at me.

They crept closer to me, I felt clostraphobic but they didn't stop them. I couldn't talk or scream. There was a stabbing pain in my side, a pitch fork had pierced my side. My breathing became sharp and rapid, the blood poured out of my side. I grabbed Logan's shirt and cry to him, "The baby!" I screamed but it came out as a whisper. He raised his sword and placed it in my heart.

Logan grabbed my arms and pulled me close "NO!! NO!!" I screamed still thinking about my dream. I stood up and ran out of the room and locked myself into the bathroom. After a bit there were loads of knocks on the doors it was Logan, Alfie and Zoe.

"Come on out please!" Alfie shouted.

"Lili! Please! Your scaring us!" Zoe screamed.

"Lili, open the door" Logan said quietly.

I calmed down and unlocked the door. They came bustling in straight away, Zoe looked really panicky and flushed. She hugged me tightly "OH MY GOD LILI!!!" She shouted and started crying. My eyes were sore and red.

I avoided Logan's eyes, which were scanning me for something. I felt the tears coming out, I hugged Zoe back. My head was spinning and I couldn't control my breathing. "I can't... I can't..." I said gasping for breath.

"OMG! Alfie call an ambulance!" Zoe screamed holding me as I fell to the floor leaning against the wall. "No Alfie stop! I will drive her it'll be much quicker!" Logan said hastily. He came to me and picked me up. "No please! No! You can't! You can't kill me!!" I screamed as I felt my lungs shutting.

He looked at me confused whilst running me to the car. Zoe and Alfie were behind us, they sat in the back whilst Logan strapped me into the front. I held my stomach and I whispered to the baby "You'll be alright, I love you! I won't let anything happen to you."

Logan looked at me from the drivers seat then grabbed my hand. I looked at him "We'll be alright Lil! I'll look after you and junior" he said trying to laugh. I couldn't smile I was in to much agony. When we got to the hospital I couldn't move, Logan came to me and picked me up. We walked in the entrance door and a group of nurses rushed over to us.

They placed me on a bed and wheeled me somewhere. I didn't know where though as my eye sight had now gone fuzzy, "Lo..lo..Logan!" I screamed but it came out as a wheeze. He ran to me and held my hand "It'll be okay, I'm here"

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