England x reader~ Forever

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Theme: heaven

Reasuring England x Curious reader

You were at England's house. He was your boyfriend. You were the personification of -your city\state\province-. You were in his backyard, sitting in a chair, on a patio. It was a crisp fall afternoon, and you were enjoying the weather.

"Hello love" you herd from behind you.

You turned around to see Arthur with two cups of tea.

"Hi Arthur" you said.

He passed you a cup of tea, in you're favorite tea cup.

"Thanks" you thanked him. "You know me well"

He sat down in the chair beside you. You both drank your tea together in peace, listioning to the wind rustle the trees. It was fall, so leaves were falling everywhere. England watched you look at them. He loved the way you smiled when one came close to you, or fell on your chair.

"Your quiet dear, is something wrong" he asked concerned.

"Just thinkin' " you sang.

"What do you mean" he chucked.

You leaned back in your chair and looked at the baby blue sky.

"Well, I was thinking about my life. We live forever. We've seen normal people grow from a baby to elderly. Its strange. We have lost so many people, and yet we won't ever be lost." You rambled.

"So, what are you saying?" He asked curiously.

"I... I'm curious to where they all go. I probably will never know because I'll never die." You told him.

He reached over from his chair, and held your hand.

"Well, look at it this way. You look like an angel, and I'm beautiful" he declared

You laughed

"Sure, go on"

"And we are in this together. We will never die, and we are young forever. Every nation we've ever known will be with us forever. So in a way, this is heaven" he explained.

You sipped your tea with your free hand.

"I guess your right" you smiled.

You kissed Arthur's cheek.

"Thanks babe" you smiled.

You took your empty cup, got up, and ran inside.

There Arthur stood. With red cheeks. He touched one with a hand. He then sighed and laughed to himself.

"Forever huh?" He asked himself.

He chucked

"As long as I have her"

He got up and followed you inside.

"Where are you going?" he asked, placing his teacup on the kitchen counter.

"Nowhere" You yelled from upstairs. "Just sit on the couch and wait"

England sighed and walked over to the couch. He then noticed a book on the table. He picked it up and sat down on the couch. He skimmed through the pages before finding his previous place. After reading for a while, you came downstairs and hid behind a doorway.

"Arthur~" You sang.

England didn't look up.

"Yes dear?" He asked.

You walked into the room and threw the book out of his hand.

"What was tha-"

He looked up to see you in a white frilly dress with a halo on. You also had a plastic wand from halloween.

"Wow love, you are now literally an angel" he laughed.

You gigled and spun around.

"I brought you somthing too" You laughed.

You pulled out another halo from your pocket. You placed it on his head and kissed the top of his head.

"Now we are both angels in our own heaven"


Sorry that its short.

Hopefully it made sense. I kinda think it did make sense.

Request if you want. Deets are in the intro

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