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Woke up, took shower and as usual started preparing myself for work.. after few minutes I was done the started making my way out. I saw my wife in the kitchen still wearing her pajamas looking all dirty

"You aren't going to work?" I asked
"Work!!! What work babe it's Sunday"
"Sunday?? what do you mean it's Sunday" said trying to confirm if its true
"Babe are you okay?? Course you look very distracted this few days?? Everything good?"
"Am fine" said as I made my way back in the room and regretted why I woke up that early...

"Hey wake up food is ready" my wife woke me up
"Start without me I'll come in shortly"
"It's past 2 and your still sleeping??? What is wrong with you?? The kids are asking for you.. you play with Jace soccer every Sunday so how is this Sunday not like it???"

"Stop overreacting Mercy am good"
"Wake up don't sleep.on me.. can't you see am trying to make a conversation?? What is it that you not telling me"

"Okay I'll tell you.. someone wants to give us 1 billion usd but in exchange for me to go jail"
Mercy busted out in a laugh

"Is that what you have been day dreaming today??"
"Am not kidding and this is not a story am narrating am serious Mercy"
She then hit me with a pillow

" ouch!!!" I exclaimed
" Does that wake you now... one billion dollar my foot"
"Look at me.... I swear on my kids names what am telling you is the truth.. my boss told me 4 days ago... and he said after seven days I should tell him my decision since I told him I would think about it."
After a long time of silence....

"So what have you decided??" My wife asked looking so serious

" of course it's a no... my family comes first"

"Are you on your right mind?? .. some one is giving us an opportunity of kissing poverty goodbye and you say your thinking about it.. I mean what's there to thinkkk"
"10 years jail Mercy....10 fucking years not seconds"
"Even if it was 100 years.. okay now that your here look at our life does your presence make us live comfortable life??"
"We are going to be living life... think about your kids going to a good paying schools.. they have a bright future in front them and you wanna deny them that??? And you call your self a loving father?"
"Unbelievable.... whats so wrong with the life we are living... poverty or not, i think what should matter is us being happy together...and thought you wouldn't like the idea"
"Are you crazy... why wouldn't I like the idea... even if you live here with us for the 10 years you wouldn't make that huge amount"
"What about my babies"
"There mine too I'll raise them well"
"What about me.....won't you miss me"
"I'll visit.. every day I promise"
"So your serious... aren't you worried about me??Am going to jail not a vacation"
"But your going for a good cause babe just think about the advantages we'll get when you do it...if not for me then do it for the kids...mmmhh"

"I'll think about it..." I stood up helplessly as I made my way out of the room and met Jace on my way out..

"Hey Big boy!! How are you?"
"Fine.. dad"
He Answered as he walked away

"Still talking to you boy... for how long did you stand there"
"Not long.. " saying looking at me suspiciously
"Want to play soccer today"
"Not in the mood... and whats the point if your not going to be there"

That's when I realized that Jace heard everything.. I didn't wanna bother him at the moment cause I hadn't decided anything just yet.

I went straight to the table and ate what my wife had cooked for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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