"breakdown production when?"

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Dedicated to heycamila18 because Ryan did her dirty😔

Cam's POV:
Dear Diary, it all started 5 days ago when Ryan answered my DM. I can remember it so clearly, it was the best day of my life!

                             breakdown production when?
breakdown production when?

But Diary, that was 5 days ago. Now, i'm furious. He just posted two things on his story, and both of them were about his breakdown livestream. None of them mentioned me, and he even mentioned how he liked the hype that was building up! We all know he completely forgot until I reminded him. Look diary, i'm not one to become a karen at times like this, but HE LITERALLY DIDNT GIVE ME CREDIT. What a BUTTHEAD.

Mark my words, diary. If he likes buildup so much, I'll give him the plot buildup of a lifetime.

I flung my diary at the wall of my room. I could basically feel 300 clouds of smoke blow through my nostrils. All I wanted was some credit for my hard work, and this is how he repays me?

I was so angry.

I exited my room and made my way to the kitchen for ice cold glass of water. Maybe some water would calm my anger, and I would be able to think of logical ways to deal with this. As I filled up my glass with water from the fridge, I noticed the sharpest knife I had ever seen laying on the counter, the sharp side facing toward me. It gleamed in the moonlight, and I was so mesmerized I completely forgot about the cup in my hand. The water overflowed the cup and spilled all over my hand, but at this point I couldn't care less.

Ryan probably liked water anyway, but I was sure he didn't like a knife to his brother's throat.

I chuckled at the thought, what if I was able to kidnap Jack? That would literally be the most perfect way to get the credit that was well deserved. I spent nearly 2 months messaging him every day, kindly reminding him that he needed to do the breakdown productions for the newest album. My hands clenched at the meer thought of my betrayal, and before I knew it, the knife was in my hand.

I wouldn't hurt him, I would only use him to get what I deserved.

After a bit of surfing the web, I came across this website that supposedly would tell you where a person lived. I knew that Ryan and Jack lived together, so I searched Ryan's name in the search bar, impatiently waiting for the page to load.

Ryan Joshua Metzger

Phone: **************

Address: ***************

Netflix password: **************

How could I have reached a more perfect page than this? I giddily clapped my hands in excitement, shoving the knife in the fanny pack I was wearing for some reason. My outfit for the night was completely black, but I decided that a black ski mask wasn't needed. Who would believe a STUPID 27 year old saying that a minor kidnapped his brother! Nobody. I'm sure Jack could easily kick my ass if he wanted too, but I had different plans to make this work.

"Mom! Dad! I'm going out for the night, see ya later!" I yelled through my apartment, half hoping they were already asleep. Sure enough, I got no answer. That was my green light, and I snuck out of the apartment complex and into the night sky of New York!

It didn't take too long for me to find their apartment complex, and I glanced at my paper which held their room floor and number one last time before zipping it back in my pack. I counted up how many floors I needed to climb up, and which window to climb into before I got out a grappling hook I bought of the dark web 2 years ago. Grappling hooks make almost any job easier, and this was definitely one of them. I shot the hook at the window, and it only took about 4 tries before it latched on. Their floor was kind of high up, but I managed to just not look down and focus on my number 1 priority: To get credit for my hard work.

I peeked into the window to make sure I got the right room, and thankfully, I saw Jack in his room, watching some random youtube video on his TV. Oh, he seemed so naive sitting on his bed, his remote in hand as he watched a video of a dog with a butterfly on its nose. Things were about to GO DOWN.

But it couldn't be too loud, Ryan couldn't know what was going on yet. I popped a jolly rancher in my mouth as I watched the video too, and if i'm being honest, it was kind of cute. I was glad Shay wasn't with him though, because I wasn't sure if she was capable of ripping my head off, or if she would trade Jack for a bacon flavored treat. I stuck the jolly rancher on the window and looked at my pocket watch. It would only be a few minutes until it dried again, and then I would be able to pull it off, and shatter the window with it. I creepily watched Jack stare at the TV until it was time to go, and then I did it.

I yanked the jolly rancher off the window, and in return, the whole window shattered. Jack's glance quickly went from the TV to his window, and was about to open his mouth to say something before I interrupted him.

"Now listen here Jackie Boy," I declared, grabbing the knife from my fanny pack. "I have a picture of you wearing a pink leash and a muzzle on my phone, so if you want it to stay within the depths of the internet, you better get up and follow me."

Jack looked horrified, not because of the knife, (well actually it probably was some of that) but because of the photo I mentioned.

"Where did y-"

"NO TALKING. Do you want to die?" I asked him, yanking him off his bed and holding the knife to his throat. He vigorously shook his head no, attempting to grab the knife from my hand. I saw that coming though, and used the flat edge of the knife to slap his hand away.

I grabbed the collar of his shirt and dragged him out of his room, and knocked on Ryan's door.

"Are you dying? If not go away, because I'm busy, Jack."

"I AM DYING!" Jack screeched, kicking the door with his foot. I shook my head no at him and stepped on his toe, hopefully SPLITTING IT IN HALF.

"Wait, what?" I heard Ryan say, confused. He opened the door, only to see me holding a knife to his brothers throat! I had been waiting my entire LIFE for this, and it was about time I got what I deserved.

"Look buddy. I got your brother here, and if you don't want me to murder him right in front of you, you better give me credit for reminding you every day to do the livestream." I smirked, pressing the flat end of the knife into Jack's throat. Jack looked so terribly confused it was kind of funny, but Ryan's face lit up the minute I mentioned the livestream.

"O-oh, that was you? I could mention you in my story right now, just don't murder him. He's supposed to do the dishes tonight and they aren't done yet." Ryan chuckled, trying to make light of the situation.

"I don't care about DISHES! I WANT CREDIT!!!"

"Ok ok!!" Ryan mumbled, grabbing his phone from his pocket. In the meantime, I shoved Jack onto the ground, hopefully making it harder for him to escape. His head hit the side of the wall and knocked him out cold, giving Ryan a few minutes to get this done, and get it done right.

"Does this look good?" Ryan asked, handing me his phone. I glanced at it before rolling my eyes.

"Put some music in the background, would you?"

"Which song?"

"Whichever one you are doing for the livestream." I shrugged, starting to notice Jack stirring in the corner.

"You better hurry it up!" I yelled. "I could kill you too if I wanted!"

Ryan nodded and showed me the new story, to which I agreed on. He posted it and threw his phone on the ground, running over to Jack and trying to wake him up. I just had one last thing to do, and even thought it wasn't a part of my original plan, I couldn't help but feel it was necessary...

I bent down over Jack, using my knife to slit his throat. Before Ryan could even react, I ran for the door of the apartment, looking at him with a shrug.

"My finger must have slipped, oops!"

To już koniec opublikowanych części.

⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jun 10, 2021 ⏰

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