Chapter 20: The beast of Project Freelancer

Start from the beginning

Sheila docks through the hanger bay and lands inside the station. A chief of the station with two police troops walks up to Sheila and stand there until the hatch came down.

Once that Y/n and his team leap out and walks over to the chief and Y/n and the chief shake hands.

Harry: (smile) Nice to meet you Spartans. My name is Chris Harry, Chris of this prison ship.

Y/n: Nice to meet you Harry. We're here to interrogate Agent South.

Harry: Ah yes. She's kinda hard to speak but will show you to her. Follow me.

The four follows Harry and his two guards out of the hanger bay and walk through the station. They walk pass a window looking very at the snowy planet below when Y/n asked.

Y/n: How did you manage to capture her?

Harry: 6 months ago we discovered her trying to sneak out a Colony planet and even though she put up a good fight she was arrested and taken to here. We were gonna have her transported to another prison space Station but Hargrove told us to hold off until the Spartans arrive to ask her questions. Seems that your the Spartans.

Y/n: Yep, that's right.

Harry: Well I gonna say it is a honour meeting the brother of the master chief here within our station, especially your team. Must be great to be related to a hero.

Y/n: (smile) You know us. We like to save humanity.

Harry: (smile) I agree to that.

They step into a room and walk inside. Through the open glass Y/n ans rest see Agent South sat down with handcuffs on her and was sitting there in silnce still have her armor on.

 Through the open glass Y/n ans rest see Agent South sat down with handcuffs on her and was sitting there in silnce still have her armor on

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Ave: She doesn't look friendly.

Ashley: I don't think no one in this prison base is friendly.

Harry: You can go on ahead and try to talk to her. But I can tell she doesn't wanna talk to anyone.

Y/n: No worries Chief. I'm sure she'll start talking, after all I'm very good with interrogation.

Ave, Sophie and Ashley know that's not true but they allow him to try. Y/n open the door into the room and close it behind him. South looks at Y/n for a second before she looks away.

Y/n walks over and sat down on the chair across from her and there was silence in the room until Y/n spoke.

Y/n: So Agent South. Do you...wanna talk?


Y/n see she isn't gonna talk so he took off his helmet and set it on the table and let her see his face.

Y/n: (smile) No need the silence. I'm human, like you.

South take one look at Y/n wity his warm smile and then looks away.

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