Chapter 5

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We get back to the parking lot and I smell the sickening sent of blood and the chocking smoke of fires. I look around and see small fires scattered around the parking lot, food tossed into piles, wounded being taken care of and people trying to get back into their cars. I scan the area for any signs of Emma or Abby. I see Abby over by one of the fires, the red and orange colors from the tall flames dancing on her face.

"Abby!" I yell. She looks up with big puppy dog eyes. She runs towards me and hugs me. Since I am much taller than her so she is only able to reach my waist. Taken by surprise I stumble back and quickly catch myself.

"Did you find anything?" She asks looking up at.

"Yeah..." I say, and my voice starts to quiver. My mind goes back to the pile of rubble and the horrifying sound of the ceiling crashing. My eyes start to fill with hot tears.

"Oh..." She says looking down at the ground after she understands the situation.
I squeeze her.
"But it will be ok don't worry, I promise." I pet her head and she looks up.

"Pinky promise?" she asks sticking her pinky out.

"I promise." I say smiling, and intertwine my pinky with hers.

"Liz?!" I hear a voice and spin around so fast I get dizzy. I see Jamie, my friend, smiling at me. We met in high school and we are now in orchestra together.
She has her hair up in a pony tail showing a scar on the side of her face, with blood dried around it. She has a striped shirt with a blue jacket over it which makes her eyes look grey. She had a pair of dark blue denim jeans and black sneakers on. She starts to walk to me and I notice her limping.

"Are you ok?" I inquire, as I look at her leg.

"Yeah, I think I just sprained my ankle." She says stumbling a little. I run and grab her before she falls. "Thanks."
Uge"Well today I woke up and spent the morning on my computer watching Fariy Tail, when my mom said we were going to go and buy some new jeans. I agreed because my mom had been begging me to get new jeans that did not have holes in them. When we got to the mall my mom went to an A.T.M to get some cash I headed for the jeans . My fingers were runing through .the differnt pairs .of jeans and the ground started to shake. Everything around me turned to ablur, and I ran as fast as I could. but I did not know where to go. I ran into a pants rack and spraind my ankle. I hid under there till a while after the shaking stoped, I was so scared It was horibble once I got out I stumbled around the mall saw so many dead people but then I got hear and saw you" she answerd practicaly shaking. I told her my story and how I found Abby and how max had died.

"I am so sorry Liz" she says patting my sholder "he was so nice".

"I know" I say looking down at the ground remembering past memories of Max the Pirate Queen (sorry I put an inside joke). I look down at Abby she looks so scared and frieghtend."Dont worry because everything will be ok" I say trying to reasure me more then her. Everything will be ok it has to .

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