"Wow Paps, this tastes amazing." "NYEHEHEH, THE GREAT PAPYRUS NEVER FAILS AT MAKING DELICIOUS SPAGHETTI." "I can say this is the pastably the best spaghetti ever." You laughed at his pun. "I AM NOT GOING TO MAKE YOUR PUNS RUIN MY DAY. I AM GOING FOR MY TRAINING RIGHT NOW." "Pasta la vista, Papyrus. You don't wanna miss out on your daily rotini. " "Nice one." "NYEH (Y/N), NOT YOU TOO!" He runs out of the house while you and Sans laughed. "Here, let me help." You took his empty plate and went to the kitchen. "(Y/N) you don't have to." "It's ok Sans. I can do this myself. Spaghett outta my way." "You're spagetting better with your puns, they are tortellini awesome." You giggled and he ruffled your hair which made you blush a little. "By the way, these are my old specs. I thought you can use them for now." "Sans, I think I am fine without them." "Oh really? Then what's written on the bottom right of that painting?" Sans points at a painting of a bone. You didn't know there were words written on it. The painting was moved down to the living room after your room was built. After squinting at the painting for a long time, you gave up. "Fine, I can't see." you pouted.

"Sans, be frank with me. I look even ugly after wearing them, right?" "To be frank, yes. But my name is Sans, and I think you are cute and still look the same with or without." You were surprised by his response. To be honest, you felt over the moon. "Sans, you don't have to lie." "Girl, listen to me. You are so freaking adorable. Be more confident of yourself!" Sans said while cupping your face. You then covered your face after he placed his hands down. "Sans, I want to borrow a book at the Libarby." You told him after you went out of the house. "Sure, hun." Sans waited for you outside. "Hun, did you seriously listened to me when I told you to borrow a book about 'Monster Anatomy' ?" "Because some certain skeleton is not providing me with answers." "Fine, just don't ask me weird questions afterward." You said while ruffling your hair with a slight blush on his face. "Weird questions like what?" "Like this." "Hmph." "Hun, don't act angry. You know you don't look intimidating at all, just cuter." You just glanced at him. "You're smiling." "I'm not." "Yes, you are." He tickles you. "Fine, I am. But it doesn't mean I admit I am cute."

Both of you were chatting with each other until you reached the hot dog stand. It was another peaceful day with not many customers. Sans decided to take a nap while you started to read through your book. You decided to start from the first page. You have never seen some types of monsters before, they were probably extinct after the war. The quiet ambiance of Hotlands was ruined by someone you didn't expect to see. " Hey nerd, nice glasses." "Hey, Coney. I didn't see you there." "Who cares if you did? I am here to talk with Sansy." What does this b*tch wants now? Sans woke up after hearing his name. "Hey, what's up." "The roof." You snicker at your own bad joke. Sans smiles whereas Coney just stares at you. "So I am going to perform at the MTT restaurant tonight and I've been offered free dinner. I was wondering if you wanna come along because it's better to go with someone special than going alone." I wish I am as bold as her. (See what I did there, a pun for the fourth wall XD)

"So, you are asking me out on a date?" "Exactly." Sans, please don't go. "I'll...think about it." Of course, he can't say no to those desperate eyes. "Well, I guess I gotta go. Remember to call me, Sansy. Toodles~" she skipped away. "So, should I go?" "Why are you asking me?!" "I need advice." "Sans, I don't know much about romance. But if I were you, I would go on a date with her. Maybe you and her have a lot in common. Unless you have eyes for someone else..." "I mean I do but ... I am scared they don't... feel the same about me. Tibia honest, my first proposal didn't go well, and it kinda ruined our relationship, I don't want to repeat the same mistake, and ruin my relationship with them." Sigh. "Then, you have to choose between taking a risk or playing it safe." "I'll just... play it safe this time." Both of you clearly weren't happy with this decision but you know you can't do anything. (Y/n) tell him that you love him. There may be a chance... nope, no way he would love a loser like me.

"You should call her." "Right, I almost forgot." He takes out the piece of paper that Coney gave him weeks ago. "Guess that wasn't trash after all. "Heh." He answered you with empty eye sockets. You received a phone call from Alphys. "Alphys is calling me." "Probably about something important." "Hello, t-this is A-alphys. Is this (y/n) I am talking with?" "Yes, Alphys, what is it?" "A-are you busy this evening?" "I'm not. Why?" "Well, I w-wanted y-you know, help you w-with your m-memory loss." "Gee, thanks, Alphys, but isn't it too much trouble?" "N-nope, not at all." She hung up before you can even say goodbye.

~Time skip brought to you by the wrong number song~

"SANS, (Y/N), I'M HOME." "Hey, Papyrus." "HI (Y/N), WHERE'S MY BROTHER?" "He's taking a shower." "THIS EARLY?" "Doesn't want to be late for his date." "WOWIE (Y/N), I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! WHY AREN'T ARE YOU GETTING READY?" "I didn't ask him out, Paps." "THEN WHO DID?" "This girl named Coney." "(Y/N), THIS WAS THE PERFECT OPPORTUNITY, YOU SHOULD HAVE CONF-" "No Paps, I'm sure he doesn't feel the same." You started tearing up. Papyrus sat beside you and gave you a hug. Sans finally came downstairs after a while. "So, how do I look?" He was wearing a tuxedo. He's so f*cking hot. But of course, you just kept silent. "BROTHER, YOU LOOK STUNNING." "(Y/n), lets' go. I'll drop you off at Alphys's lab." "Wait, I need to grab a couple of items." "Sure." You ran upstairs, filled your bag with a couple of important items, and went back downstairs. You and Sans then walked out of the house. Sans was supposed to pick Coney up.

"So, any tips for my date?" "Just be yourself, Sans. By the way, did you buy here any gifts?" "No, I should go buy something now." Sans immediately went into the shop and came out with a bouquet of roses. "Here, catch." "Why did you buy me chocolate?" "'Cause I can see that you are out of the mood right now and I thought chocolate can cheer you up. What's the matter, hun?" "Nothing." "Don't tell me you're jealous." "Pfff, no. Jealous of what?" I am jealous. "That I have a date and you don't." "Sans, why would I be jealous of you." "Then, tell me the reason." "Sometimes... I feel like I am a burden... to all of you." "Why would you think that, hun. We all love and care for you a lot. Don't say that." He patted your head. You had to lie, that was not the only thing bothering you.

"We are here." Sans knocked on the door. "I'm coming... Sans, you're finally here." She looked absolutely gorgeous in her red nightgown and high heels. Her makeup and hair were done too. "What is she doing here Sansy? She's just going to ruin our date." "Woah, look. I am just going to visit a friend in Hotlands. " She still gave you a dead stare. As usual, the three of you rode on the river person's boat. "Tra la la. Don't snoop behind people's houses... You might be mistaken for a trash-can." Another weird statement from the river person. Wonder what they meant. "Sans, I'll take it from here, enjoy your date. Bye." "Bye, hun." You knew that Coney was waiting for you to leave.

"Phew. Alphys I'm here." "H-hello (y/n). I-I see that you are w-wearing s-specs." "Yeah, Sans gave it to me." "By the way, where is your p-prince charming?" " "He went on a date." You mumbled. "H-he what!?" "Yeah." "H-how can he? (y/n) , you d-did you tell him?" "N-no Alphys, but it's fine. As long as he is happy." "But y-you're not." Someone slammed down the lab door. "Yo Alphie, I am here for ou-" ... "Am I missing out on something?" By the time Undyne arrived, you were already in tears. "S-sans went on a date with another g-girl." "He WHAT! Yo punk, you want me to kick his ass when he comes back?!" "No, it's okay, Undyne. You can't force him to love me. Besides, a lot of people have a crush on him. Not only me. I am not that special. " 

Loved (  Underlust Sans x Reader  )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें