"What happened?"

"Where's my Loubear"

Liam rolled his eyes, "You know very well, where he'd be right now"

"Yes, of course. Just wanted to disturb you and Merry Christmas guys" Harry yelled and ran to Louis' room.

Niall chuckled, "He's nuts"

Suddenly two arms wrapped around Liam's waist from behind, he squealed, but relaxed when he smelled Zayn's cologne.

"Hey, Jaan. Merry Christmas" Zayn nuzzled into his neck. He was wearing a dark blue sweater with grey jeans.

"Merry Christmas baby" Liam kissed his cheek making Zayn pout.

"Where's my Christmas kiss?"

Before Liam could reply, Niall spoke.

"It's New Years kiss, you idiot"

"Whatever, I want my kiss" Zayn said and moved his face closer to Liam's, but Liam was moving back.


"Zayn, our whole family is here. I won't kiss you in front of them" Liam looked around.

Zayn grumbled and pulled away his hands.

Liam took his hand and placed them back to his waist, "They belong here" He smiled up at him and quickly pecked his lips, making Zayn grin.

"Aww, they're so cute!! Niall, why can't you be like them?" Olivia asked.

"Because I'm not a cheesy guy, Liv. You know how much I love you right, sugar boo" Niall tried to kiss her, but she dodged away.

"Sugar boo? What happened to I'm not a cheesy guy?" She teased but kissed him too.

"Is there a kissing competition going on? Coz I'd like to participate" Louis' loud voice came from behind them.

They turned around and saw him in bright red sweater. Everyone tried and failed to hold their laughs.

Louis' face fell, "Guys, this is my mum's gift, don't make fun of me" He whined.

"It's alright Lou, they don't know how much it means to you" Harry said, rubbing his back.

"Only a pillow's missing, we should make him Santa" Niall laughed.

"Oh no, he doesn't have the height, let's make him an elf" Zayn added, getting a hit on his arm by Liam.

"Guys, leave it, he does look cute" Liam said.

"I agree. Lou, don't listen to these idiots" Olivia spoke.

"I don't care what you peasants think" Louis said and waited for them to say something.

"Aren't you guys forgetting something?" He asked.

Everyone made thinking face and the next moment, Louis was engulfed in a group hug, many happy birthdays were shouted.

"I can't breathe" Louis gasped as they broke away the hug.

"You're such a drama queen Lou" Zayn said pulling Liam to his side again.

"I'm a drama king, Zaynie bro"

Karen called them to cut the cake. Everyone rushed to the kitchen, where a beautiful two tier, red velvet cake was placed on the dinner table.

After the cake cutting, everyone had dinner and deserts. All the friends moved their own party to the backyard. Liam had put a little tent with Harry's help. Inside, there were mattresses,
blankets and pillows and a laptop was in the middle. He didn't put any lights to give a theatre effect.

Love you till Infinity(ziam) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ