Dont Trust Him - Chapter 20

Start from the beginning

"My point is, Technoblade wouldn't pick you over me." He smiled towards her.

"So, you're being petty?" She asked to boy as she get off the bed.

(Y/n's POV)

He was shocked when i asked him that question. So, i asked him another one. "Why did you need to talk to me?"

"Well, I was hoping Techno wouldn't hear this." He walked closer to me.

"I'll get Technoblade back from you. And when I do we'll kill you. No one wants you alive anyways. Techno doesn't love you enough for that. It's just being around you. He'll snap out of it."

I couldn't believe what this child just said to me.

I felt something furry push pass me. I looked to see Techno switching from human and a piglin form, he grabbed Tommy by his neck and lifted him up.

That's how he looked when he attack me.. Like a piglin king or something...

"Techno put me down! I can't breathe!" Tommy looked scared. I tried to pull on Technoblade's arm to snap him out of it.

(Author's POV)

"Techno! You'll hurt him, stop!!" Y/n yell in an urge to get the one she loved back. The door Suong open to reveal Philza Minecraft.

Technoblade, not Technoblade. The voices took over. He was in his piglin form, he sent his arm back flying to knock Y/n out of the way.

He sent her flying into the night stand, "Y/n!" Phil yelled as he ran to her. The girl was in much pain.

"You'll never lay a finger on her!" The voices yelled to Tommy. But once Techno heard Y/n's moans of pain. He took back over, dropping Tommy the ground.

Once Phil heard Tommy coughing he ran over to make sure he could breathe.

Technoblade ran to Y/n, taking her into his arms.
"Y/n," Techno tries to form a sentence when he sees how much pain she's in. "I'm , I'm so sorry.." He holds her close.

Tommy runs out the door and back into his bedroom . He didn't want to get in trouble, Phil walked back over to Techno and Y/n.

He was going to say something, but once he saw her upset Techno was he didn't. He would take care of her. He walked out of the room and closed to door behind her.

(Philza POV)

I started making the healing soup for both of them, I knew they would be down in a minute.

Now reader, you are probably mad at me for leaving Y/n. But she could still move so i knew nothing was broken and i wouldn't have left her with Technoblade if i knew he wasn't going to take care of her.

(Y/n's POV)

I could feel Technoblade's head on top of mine, I moved a little so that he would look at me.

My back and my head were killing me but i didn't want Techno to feel more bad than he already did so i hid it.

He looked at me,  I cupped his face with one hand. "I'm alright," i whisper. "i'm so sorry." he whispered.

"Don't apologize, it's okay Techno." I smiled at him.

"I want to tell you something.." He said very quietly. "What's up?"

"I hear voices." He says, I can't lie i wasn't expecting to hear that, but he can literally turn into a pig so not that shocking.

"Oh, do they like me?"

(Techno's POV)

yes yes yes...we love herrr...yessss...y/n pogggggg...

i chuckled, "they love you."

She smiles and cuddled up to my chest. "What do they sound like?" She asked, as she started to close her eyes. "Like wither skeletons." I tighten my grip around her.

"But, they don't talk.." She wrap her arms around me. "Imagine if they did, that's how they would sound." I whisper as I rub her back.

"Mhm," she said. We sat there in quiet, until i could feel her start to breath.

When she sleeps her breathing changes and it's always the same. I slowly start to drift off to sleep as well.

(Philza's POV)
It's been an hour, Tommy came down but Y/n and Techno haven't.

"I'm going to check on them.." I tell Tommy, "Philza, can you, can you apologize to them for me please."

I smiled towards him. "I think they would rather hear it from you, tomorrow?"

He nods. I open the door to see Y/n sitting in Technos lap with her arms around him. Techno also had his arms around her.

I didn't want to wake them they had a long day, I picked up the night stand, turn off the light and quietly closed the door.

They're so cute. :)

Poggg i really wanna write the next chapter to this soon!!! soooooooo be readyyyyy

drink some water okay baby?

ily! :)


1432 words..

Don't Trust Him  - Technoblade x readerWhere stories live. Discover now