The Park

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All these eyes were contemplating how big the park was. Almost 50 people in the same grade who had been waiting for years were now in the big entrance of the park. There were people everywhere and it could be easy to get lost, but nevermind, after all they weren't kids anymore and they should solve their own problems by themselves.

The green roller coaster could be seen by miles and miles, but this park had other cool attractions like this big tower that looked like it was touching the sky, or this horror house that so many rumours had generated.

Sentences like "They say some people never come back from this house..." or "That's just a rumour to attract more people" could be heard among the students.

Teacher: Please, get your bags and follow me - said before moving the crowd into the ticket offices - We're gonna wait on the number 26, except the E class, who's gonna wait in the number 29. Please, go there.

Everyone obeyed him and started waiting for the ticket. There were 30 ticket offices, most of them with a long queue.

Teacher: Listen up, I know you've been waiting for this moment for years and you deserve it. That's a reward for your effort during this course and I hope you can enjoy it. Remember, if you're here is because you've passed all the subjects

Some of the students were a little confused, including Allie Lavin, the annoying girl of the class who always carryed a yellow handbag and always had something to say.

Then why are the ones of the E class with us? - asked Allie

Teacher: They had also worked hard like you

Allie: Yes, but we don't have the same level at all. I guess all of them had passed cheating. Look, they're even in another queue.

Even though they were far from them, they could listen to her, but fortunately they just ignored her. They could beat her to shut her mouth up, but they knew the severe consequences of that. This class was the special one, it had a mix between drug addicts, lazy ones, special ones, etc. Most of them had been in trouble with the law.

Teacher: As I was saying, you all passed all your subjects, maybe not with an A+, but the most important thing is that...

Maverick wasn't listening to him at all. A thread was out of his gap and the more he pulled it, the more it got out.

"If I continue pulling this gap is going to turn into a long thread" he thought.

The last thing he saw was a hand with the red nails quitting his gap.

- You're gonna break it - said Ellie while she put it in her mouth

Just a bite and the thread was part in two. One piece was connected to the gap, but the other one slowly fell down, moving from one side to another. It was about to touch the ground, but a burst of wind threw it away. They never knew about that little piece of thread, because no one cared about it, so it got lost and what's worse, forgotten.

- What a bite you made, I think half park has heard it - said Milles

- Be careful, I also could part your gap in two if I wanted it

Milles was the one with the gap looking forward, Maverick the one with the gap upside down and Ellie was the girl with a head bun. These three friends met just one year ago and now they were inseparable. It seemed like it was yesterday when they first connected running away from the police when they were smoking a joint next to the skate park. That's why all of them had a ganja leaf tattooed in their ankles.

- This sun is killing me - Maverick was complaining while he cleaned his face from his sweat with Ellie's top

- What are you doing? - said while she made a step back pushing Milles.

- Oh, come on, leave her alone - replied Milles with a smile in his face -. If you want shadow put behind her big head bun!

- I hate you guys! - said Ellie crossing her arms with a smile in her face

10 minutes passed and they were in the same position. The teacher didn't stop talking and the three teenagers started getting angry.

- That doesn't advance...

- Yes, we're gonna spend most time here waiting

- Look, the queue is moving faster, they're almost all in

- Then we should move there, shouldn't we? - Ellie saw a little bit of hope

They discussed it and didn't want to take the risk of being caught by the teacher, but Ellie could convince them with her femenine skills. Both boys agreed and started their way to the other ticket office when the teacher wasn't seeing. They felt like the E class felt everyday; no one cared for them. There weren't even teachers looking at them and of course, the E class didn't even care about them.

- Look at this girl on the other queue, the one with the red hair - said Maverick to Ellie - she looks like you

- Oh come one, we're not similar at all! I'm not even redhaired, I'm blonde, Maverick. Blonde! - protested. But in the end, she knew they were similar, she was just younger and smaller.

Just 5 minutes and they were in front of the ticket office. A security camera was focusing them and following their moves.

- We're the next ones! - said Ellie jumping and clapping from happiness

- I wonder how is gonna be today

The blonde girl working in the ticket office was preparing their entrance: an electronic blue bracelet. She had her earphones on.

- Next one, please

- Oh, it's our turn - said Milles

- You first, Maverick, I am too shy to talk with strangers - said Ellie with a big smile on her face

Maverick put in front of her.

- Are you from this class? - asked the blonde girl while she was preparing the blue bracelets for them

- Oh... Yes, sure...we're

Suddenly the blonde girl received a question from her headphones "are they together?"

- Are you all three together?

- Yes! - answered Ellie behind

"The red one, for them" said the voice

- Good! Today is your lucky day. Come on, get closer, you three.

The three friends put in front of her.

- I'm gonna give you a gift for you - said with a quiet voice

- A gift? - answered Milles

- Yes, I'm gonna give you the red bracelet. The other ones are blue...

- Oh, that's cool, I like red

- We're gonna be different!

- And what's for? - asked Maverick

- Oh, the red bracelet is for lucky guys like you - said with a friendly voice - you won't have to queue at all to get into any attraction! But that's a secret, don't say anything, do you promise?

All of them said yes at the same time, so she put it one by one to their wrists. All of them felt like it was a little bit heavy to be a bracelet.

- Ups... did I say that this bracelet unlocks a secret way to the horror house? Well, just go and enjoy!

She saw the three teenagers entering the park with the red bracelet.

- Done - she said while she pressed a bottom

"Stupid kids" - she thought - "You don't know what's gonna happen to you"

She started preparing more blue bracelets while the three fiends entered the park.

- Next one, please!

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