T H I R T Y- O N E

Start from the beginning

"I mean since you asked.. I was thinking like Bora Bora, Cancun, Puerto Rico, you know?"

"Pick a place and I'll take you Des."

"Aww you got a soft spot for me?" Destinee smiled over at her boyfriend. She was becoming more spoiled by the day due to him.

TJ smirked over at his girlfriend, "something like that."

"I like that Taevis."

"Mane don't call me that shit."

"I could've sworn that was your name, correct me if I'm wrong?"

"You got a smart ass mouth, Des. Don't play with me."


Soon, the waitress came and took their orders. Destinee settled for Steak cooked well done, lobster, and loaded mash potatoes. TJ ordered steak medium well, loaded mashed potatoes, and grilled shrimp marinated in garlic butter.

Their orders were jotted down and sent to the kitchen. The waitress refilled their cup and headed to take care of her other tables.

"Where'd you find this place?"

"I don't look like the type of nigga to do research or something?" TJ questioned which made Destinee burst into laughter.

"I didn't say that."

Soon, the waitress came back with their food. They enjoyed the rest of their date until they got full. Of course TJ made Destinee put her wallet down, he payed for the entire meal like he planned on doing since he asked her on a date.

After they ate, they got sleepy. They headed to the penthouse suite TJ took his time to decorate. The penthouse suite was at least fifteen minutes away from the Restaurant. Since their was minimum traffic instead of heavy traffic like usual they got there quicker than expected.

"Taevis you can't blindfold me I have lashes on."

"Des fuck those lashes, I'll buy you more put this blindfold on."

"I have to grab your things from the trunk."

"We'll get it later, put the blindfold on."

Destinee eventually gave in and put the blindfold on.  She was careful enough not to mess up her eyelash extensions she got done recently. TJ led her to the top floor where their penthouse suite was located. TJ opened the door and removed the blindfold. Destinee instantly gasped, everything was beautiful.

Rose pedals created a walk way, candles were along side adding a dim lighting into the dark room. Stars sparkled through the tall windows. Walking into the bedroom, the rose pedals formed a heart on the bed and in the heart sat the gifts. Red, pink, and white hearts hung up from the ceiling of the bedroom draped around. Going into the bathroom, rose pedals and candles decorated around the tub. Destinee loved it, it shocked her to see how much he went out for her.

"Wow.." she stood there lost for words, as much as she didn't want tears to escape a few did anyway.

TJ used his thumb to wipe the tears away from her eyes. Her liking it was all that mattered to him.

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