Chapter 2: Sniped

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

 Jolyne: *Cough* *Cough* Wh??? What

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Jolyne: *Cough* *Cough* Wh??? What... Was that ?! A bullet ?!

Jotaro: Stay away from the door. He's been aiming to kill us this whole time...

*Stand user: Jotaro Kujo

Stand: Star Platinum: -Power A

-Speed A

-Range C

-Persistence A

-Precision A

-Potential A

Punchy boi*

Jotaro: I told you to put out the cigarette ! For some reason, he can completely follow your movements !

Jolyne: And I told you to stop acting so high and mighty ! I was just about to put it out myself, you know !!

"Just great... Like bickering was what we need in that situation... They are 3 windows on the far right side of that hallway, that's where the shot came from. What about the bullet ?"

Jotaro: A sniper premium made for a rifle. Wherever he is, he managed to snipe us all the way in this room. The whole question now is figuring out how he did it.

"Assuming he's a Stand user."

Jolyne: A rifle ? *Cough* Hold on a minute... Why are you talking about a rifle ?! That guy in the photo... I understand that he planned to have me thrown in here ! But you said he's a prisoner here too, right ? This is the women's prison ! And prisoners don't even have their own ballpoint pens here !

"Naivety of youth. Guns can easily be taken apart... then, you just need to put each part inside a piece of ham or a bottle of shaving cream, have a friend bring it? bribe the guard and you'll be able to receive it without any sort of inspection. Little by little, piece by piece... After several month, you can put everything together and assemble your very own rifle."

Jotaro: You survived that shot due to pure luck. IT was a coincidence, you won't be able to predict when he fires next. Not with a silent rifle...

"Speaking of, I'd rather know how much you rusted since last time. How long ?"

Jotaro: Two seconds.

"... ... Aren't we just in deep shit..."

Jolyne: Y- You mean... he came over from the male prison to kill me ?! And he's still here ?!

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