Chapter 10 and Chapter 11

Start from the beginning

I did my homework for 3 and a half hours straight. That was the longest I have every worked, I needed a reward. "DONE!" I put my books in my bag and got up to get juice for when I read my book. As I was going down, I walked past my parents' room and heard them arguing. I came back upstairs and stopped when I heard my name. The door was slightly open, so I peeked through to see what was going on. "Oh Jason, we have to tell Rebecca. She is growing too fast, she needs to know", mum complained. "Rose remember what we promised each other?" dad added. "I know more care about the promise, she needs to know." mum replied. "What are you going to say? How are you going to tell her after all these years that she's adopted", dad questioned. I froze, I didn't know what to do or say. All these years, I've been living with strangers. She wasn't my mother and he wasn't my father. They were just people that raised me. I started realizing that Anna wasn't really my sister. I began crying, forgetting that I was holding a glass in my hand. The glass slipped out of my hand and fell down onto the floor, breaking into pieces. Anna got out her room first to see what happen. She opened the door slightly to see what that sound was. Her door squeaks so I looked at her and she saw me crying. She was coming toward me when I told her to go back to bed. When she closed her door, I started wiping my tears, when my parents got out their room to check what happened. They both looked at the floor then at me. My mum helped me up and took me to their room while dad cleaned the floor. When he came back, wiping his hands from the juice, mum and I were sitting down on their bed. Dad looked at me and asked me what happened. Mum tried to come closer and put her arm around me, but I pushed her away. In shock, she looked at me and asked me what's wrong. I lost my temper and started shouting at both of them. "HOW CAN YOU NOT TELL ME THAT I WAS ADOPTED!? AFTER ALL THESE YEARS, I'VE BEEN LIVING WITH STRANGERS THAT HAVE LIED TO ME MY ENTIRE LIFE. EVERYTHING YOU TOLD ME WAS A LIE, YOU ARE ALL LIARS!" Rose looked at me in tears. Jason looked at Rose then back at me. "Look at yourself, you made your mother cry." my tears had stopped and now it was anger. I clutched my fist and just shouted at them. "SHE IS NOT MY MOTHER JASON!! HER NAME IS ROSE, ROSALIEE HUNTER aka NOT THE ONE THAT GAVE BIRTH TO ME. AND AFTER ALL THIS TIME YOU SCOLDED ME AND GROUNDED ME, YOU HAD NO RIGHT!!" They both stared at me in complete shock. Anna heard me shouting, so she got out of bed to see why I was shouting. "Rebecca we still love you", mum added. "Is My Name ACTUALLY Rebecca or did you lie about that too?" Dad stared at me, his face turning red, "Now you've gone too far." "No, you have. What's my real name? I want to see my birth certificate" I yelled. "Rebecca!" "Don't talk to Jason", and I ran out the room.

I went to my room and slammed the door behind me. I took my camping bag and started my stuff inside. I turned around and saw all the family photos we took and threw them all on the floor, the covers breaking. I turned around and saw Anna holding her bunny teddy bear, about to cry. My eyes were still red from when I cried so she knew that I cried earlier on. I walked closer to her as she ran towards me to give me a hug. We sat on my bed next to each other and asked me what happened "Why were you shouting with mummy and daddy? And what is adopted?" I looked at her, about to cry again, knowing I can't tell her the truth. "Well mummy, daddy and I had a little disagreement and adoption is... knowing people you don't actually know." she looked at me still crying, "but you know mummy and daddy, don't you?" I lifted her, so she could sit on my lap. "We don't know everything about them. Like where they come from... and if they have middle names and things like that." she looked at me and started to smile. I smiled back and wiped her tears off. When I was done, she did the same to me, and we started laughing. She hugged me one more time and saw my camping bag behind me. "Where are you going?" she asked. I look at my bag behind me and tried to think of an excuse. "I am... going to sleepover at a friend's house." I took her off my lap and stood up, when she ran around me and opened my bag. She looked inside, mixing everything up. "Why are you leaving?" she said as she began to cry again. I looked at her, not knowing what to say anymore. She looked at me in tears and anger. "You are not leaving me", and she started removing all of my stuff from my bag. She struggled because she wasn't tall enough and the things started to become heavy. I took her hands and picked her up as she was hitting my arms and crying. "Shh. I'm not going anyway ok. I'm not leaving you." I said as I held and rocked her in my arms while she was crying. I slept with her that night to make sure she wouldn't cry.

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