Season 2 Episode 1

Start from the beginning


Drago: Yeah, that's how it happens. When I get mad, I start going ballistic.

Marnie: Wow, that's worse than my childhood.

Drago: I don't even wanna ask. Now, what time is it? *checks his phone* HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S 2AM, EVERYONE! WE GOTTA GET TO BED.

then everyone hits the hay and they sleep until noon.

The next day the alarm blares, scaring the daylights out of Lillie and Drago falls out of the bed.

Drago: I'm up, I'm up, goddamn it! *falls on teh floor* OW, GODDAMN!!!!!!!!!!!

Lillie doesn't say anything because she is cowering in her covers.

Marnie: Everone k?

Drago: After hitting my head on the drawer, yeah I think I'm good. I might have a concussion or a bruised head.

Marnie: It wasn' that hard.

Drago: Yeah, but it still hurts.

Marnie: Lillie, you k?

Lillie: What the fucking hell, man?!?!

Drago: Marnie, did she just do what I think she did?

Marnie: Yeah, she did!

Drago: This is gonna cost her $2000 in legal fees!

Lillie: Wait, did I just--?

Drago: Yep, you swore.

Lillie: Oh, fuck.

Drago: and you did it again! That's $4000 in legal fees!

Lillie: That is bullshit!

Drago: $6000 in legal fees to the chairman no less.

Lillie: Ok, I won't swear. *blushes a deep shade of red in embarrassment*

Drago: Alright, let's go to Stow-On-Side.

As the trio exited the motel they bumped right into raihan.

Drago: Oh, god, let this not repeat of Leon!

Raihan: Hello, you three, I am Raihan, the greatest-.

Drago: Get to the point.

Raihan: I didn't finish. I am the great Raihan, the greatest Dragon master in all of Galar, and who's this pretty lady? *looks at Lillie and she blushes*

Drago: Lord save my fucking asshole!

Lillie: T-Thank you Raihan.

Drago: Marnie,  this guy is giving me a fucking ooze.

Raihan: I can hear you, you know!

Back in the studio

Everyone is trying to hold in their laughter but can't do it.

Director: Oh, god! Pure comedy! And with the oozie to boot!

Drago: I'm sorry, I can't hold it anymore.

Raihan: Well, I'm not amused!

Drago: I'm sorry, it's for the fucking content!

the fourth wall shatters.

Drago: GODDAMNIT, that was my good fourth wall I should have never had Jordanwolfboy9743 and Shadowlight2784 to handle my fourth walls!

Director: well, that's what you get for hiring your friends.

Drago: I know, but they know how to handle these fourth wall shenanigans.

Drago: Anyways, let's get back to the story. So Raihan, what do you wanna tell us?

Raihan: I want to congratulate you on your gym challenge. I'm impressed you were able to beat three gym leaders and am looking forward to see how far your luck will hold.

Drago: Just you wait, Raihan! I'm gonna clobber you in this gym challenge!

Raihan: I would like to see you try.

Drago: Bring it on! Duraladon is a pile of scrap metal!

Raihan: Hey, that's my ace your'e talking about!

Drago: But he is cool, even if he is a bulky pile of scrap.

Raihan: ANyways, you should go to Stow-on-Side. The gym leaders are waiting for you.

Lillie: Wait, gym leaders?

Raihan: Yeah, I texted them to meet you all here.

Lillie: there are two gym leaders of stow and side?

Raihan: Yes and no. They aren't related like the gym leaders in Chichester, and you can choose which one you wanna fight.

Raihan: Plus, I'll let you in on a secret. Melony, the ice gym leader, is Gordies mom!


Drago puts his hand over her mouth.

Drago: Lillie, shut up.

Marnie: No one needs to know that you're freakin' out over somethin' small like that.

Drago: Thank god the lord saved my damn ass hole!

Marnie: He fuckin' did, man. He fuckin' did.

As the trio enters Stow-on-Side, Allister and Bea are waiting for them.

Bea: Welcome, gym challengers, to Stow-in-Side. I am Bea, the fighting type gym leader. And this is Allister, the Ghost gym leader.

Allister:*softly* H-hi everyone.

Lillie: Hi, Allister. *kneels down* My name's Lillie.

Allister stutters and blushes underneath his mask.

Drago: So, how do your gym puzzles work?

Bea: First off, since you're gym challengers, here are our league cards. *she hands Drago and Marnie a copy of her and Allisters league cards*

Drago: Thank you..

Bea: Any second, you get to choose which one of us to fight.  But you might want to rest up. You've had a long journey.

Lillie: THank you for your hospitality.

Bea:*bows* You're welcome.

Meanwhile at the stow-in-side hotel

Dragos phone rings.

Drago: Oh, my god! How many times does my phone have to ring in the most critical moments?!?!? *picks up* Hello?

Nessa: How you doing, Drago?

Drago: GYAHHH! Nessa, what are you doing calling me?

Nessa: I forgot to tell you, Bea and I are great friends with Sonia.

Drago: Really? Because you didn't mention that when you told us about you and Sonia's gym challenge.

Nessa: Yeah, sorry about that. After the gym challenge was over, Sonia and I decided to learn Galar Karate, and Bea was the daughter of one of the instructors. She was very talented in the art of Galar karate.

Drago: Wow, you didn't tell me you were talented in Galar Karate.

Nessa: I'm full of surprises. Anyways, what are you guys up to?

Drago: We just got to Stow-in-Side and we're about to turn in for the night.

Nessa: Well, I'm turning in too. I'll call you later.

Drago: Alright, bye Nessa. *hangs up* 

Drago: Well, time to hit in. Night everyone

Marnie and Lillie: Goodnight.

End of episode. Next up is gym #4.

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