||𝐄𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲||

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Arah Marlene Lupin-Black may seem like your normal witch with her sharp jawline and almost chiselled looking cheekbones among the traits she inherited from The Noble And Ancient House Of Black, along with her stormy grey eyes which  matched her father almost identical. Anyone could tell from a distance that the two were closely related from the exception of her luscious hair which happened to be a light dirty blonde - caramel colour with light curls near the middle and onwards down, always neatly kept in perfect waves as well as her cute button nose littered in light freckles. This happened to be the genes of her other father.

Now you may ask yourself how can two men have a child, well...
"Mr Black, Mr Lupin pleasure to at last meet you. I'm Professor Bryant and I'll be trying the experiment for you today." Sirius looked up at Remus and sensed his anxiousness he quickly grabbed his hand and held it tightly slightly massaging his thumb round in circles, as that always seemed to calm him down a bit. It probably didn't help at the fact that the full moon way nearing, creeping its way onto Remus's health and appearance but they have been waiting for someone to try the process and this was the only doctor willing to do it.

"Now as you probably know this has been done before but it may take a while or sadly not work at all." Remus's head shot up as if someone had just said white chocolate is better than milk chocolate "Not work" a little edge too his tone as if he was almost challenging him as he said it . "NOT WORK, HOW WOULD IT POSSIBLY NOT WORK." At this point Remus was fully shouting, already agitated by the upcoming transformation  and Sirius looked ready to Murder Someone, frantically waving his arms about shouting completely letting go of Remus.

"Well you see..." Professor Bryant started, as two nurses came round to try and calm them down. After they somewhat looked like they didn't want to commit arson to the whole of St Mungos, he continued. " As I said before we have tried this process at having a baby for two men without a surrogate but has never fully worked sometimes they child came out perfectly healthy and even smiling once. But the unfortunately died in a matter of a few hours tops, the rest on the other hand didn't even make it out alive." He sighed as he sat down on his office chair "The reason we haven't told anyone is because the Minister for Magic has forbidden the hole deal and tried to wipe out any trace of equipment or magic, fortunately we were able to save some before it all got destroyed and have been working on improving it and we think we might just finally have the right amount of potions for it."

He turned to face the two curious looking men " If your still up for it then we can get started?" Sirius glanced at Remus they both locked eyes and silently confirmed each other that they're willing to take the risk. "We'll do it"
Within the next 9 months they were finally given their dreams, a little baby girl which just happened to suit them perfectly. As Lily, and help of James of course, had just given birth to a boy a month before hand.

Harry James  Potter
Arah Marlene Lupin-Black

When they were both just over the age of one betrayal struck the happy and loving homes of Potters and Lupin-Blacks
You probably know what happened then I guarantee you didn't know this.
When Remus heard what happened he honestly couldn't believe, he was in denial one of the first main stages of grief. Not only this morning he had left Arah of with the Potters so that her and Harry could have one of there 'Babydates' as Lily use to call it, him and Sirius were just cuddled up on the sofa watching movies and simply enjoying peace and one and others company together both thinking how happy they were with their perfectly simple life they built together. Now his whole life just in pieces between a few mere hours.
His next thought was Arah. WHERES ARAH. Without a second thought he apparated to Dumbledores office.
"FOR THE LAST FUCKING TIME OLD MAN WHERE IS MY BLOODY DAUGHTER AND MY GODSON" Remus had, had it, he was blowing off all the anger and sadness in one go. "She's safe Remus calm yourself, they both are perfectly fine" Dumbledore spoke in his calm soothing voice that just irritated Remus so much more. "NO GIVE HER TO ME, I'M  HER FATHER AND HIS GODFATHER. SO TELL ME WHERE THE FUCK THEY ARE RIGHT NOW OR SO HELP ME MERLIN I WILL-"
"Obliviate." Just one word. One simple spell. Made Remus Lupin forget he ever even had a daughter to fight for.
Meanwhile Sirius was in Azkaban thinking what went wrong.
Hagrid And Mcgonagall where making stops to the doorsteps of The Dursley's house in Privet Drive and The Rosier Manor, Outside the woods where the Lupin Cottage was kept. Where Remus would be going back to now forgetting every happy memory he once had outside of Hogwarts
Harry Potter the so called 'Chosen One'
What will happen when he realises he might be catching feeling for his best friend
Would that necessarily be a bad thing ?

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐧 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 || 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐏Where stories live. Discover now