Part 1 - The bus stop

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Katsu walked through the busy streets. It had been too long since he was told to catch that theif of a gang member, and he knew he was going to get in hell from his gang in return. He ran his hands through his messy blond hair nervously as he typed on his phone, assuring the unkown member testing him that he'd catch the guy they wanted, and remove him from causing any more problems.

Katsu: I've got it! Stop worrying.

???: Good. Don't make us have to remove you the same way

Katsu swallowed hard, wandering up to a nearby bus stop. The air was hot and stuffy, and it reminded him of suffocating as large crowds of people pushed by and spoke and wandred. He looked up at the bus stop sign, the usual scowl on his face. This bus would get him to his destination in time, if he could catch this one specifically. He turned around, leaning up against the sign. Being 6" 4', he poked out among many of the smaller people in the crowd, and it only added to his intimidating look.

"hello there."

A bright, cheery voice came from the side of a bench, which was situated right beside the sign. Katsu glanced over casually, still wearing his normal frown. The voice whom had spoken to him belonged to a woman, an average height and warm auburn hair. She had a pleasant look to her face, and smiled softly in greeting. A few bags from fabric stores were sitting on the bench next to her.

"What do you want?" Katsu scoffed, glaring at her.

"Do you know a shop that sells this kind of fabric?" she asked, pulling out a small panphlet and a picture.

"Does it look like I care?" he snapped. He bore his teeth a bit, his sharp canines visible. His pointed ears twitched up and down a bit with dismay.

"You don't have to be so rude about it!" she said sternly. "You could have just said you don't know"

Katsu snorted, looking away and at the street and road. There was no bus in sight, and he had to leave soon. "No." he said. "I haven't seen a shop, so leave me along about it, kay?". The girl frowned at his behaviour, turning and going back to watching for the bus with a sigh. Katsu played with the hem of his white tank top and black short sleeved hoodie, glancing around. He decided eventually to just walk, and turned around and began running from the stop.

Within a few moments, a large, white bus plastered with advertisements rolled up, swinging it's doors open. Katsu cursed loudly before skidding to a halt on the sidewalk, and shoving through the groups of people around him. The woman from before stepped on to the bus as it's doors swung open. 

"hey!" he shouted. "Wait!". The people ignored him, and slowly the bus began to roll away from the stop. He swore again and charged after the bus. He jumped onto the side as it puttered and slowly gained speed, digging his fingers into the side of the bus and holding on desperately. He pressed his pace to the glass windows, which formed rows on either side of the bus.

Through the tinted glass, the girl sat, eyeing the fabric she had previously bought, a quizzical expression on her face. She wondered if it would be enough for the shirt she had planned on making.

Tink. Tink tink!

A small knocking noise sounded from the other side of her window. She glanced up curiously, only to stare at the man through the glass. He looked rather flustered, and kept shifting to keep his grip on the bus.

"let me in!" He yelled, though the noise was softened by the material in between them. Few people were on the bus, and most of them wore headphones or merely ignored the quiet, muffled noise. The girl jumped up, opening the window catiously and handing him the fabric to hold and keep him steady.

He panted a bit in relief, poking his head through the large window. "Looks like I'm going to make it" he grinned crookedly.

"You're welcome" the woman said, frowning at how Katu's weight ripped and stretched the fabric. "Now get in, before something happens". 

He shook his head, holding onto the frame of the window and leaning out. "Actually..." he yelled over the rushing wind. "It's great out here!"

"It's dangerous!" she protested, putting her fabric back into one of the three bags. "You're going to fall!"

"Am I?" he grinned, glancing at her with violent, horrible blue eyes. "I doubt that, girlie. I live for the danger of death".

She frowned, crossing her arms. "Don't call me girlie. That's horribly rude" she huffed, as the man wooped and yelled while the wind cut through his clothing and shaggy hair. He glanced over, grinning evilly. "Then what is your name, girlie?" he asked, though it did not sound like a question and more like a command.

"Why would I tell such a dangerous man!" she said, backing up from the window. He frowned, but then smirked right after, thrusting his hand through the window and grabbing her by the scruff of her shirt. She yelped out, a sound that brought a terrible smile to Katsu's lips.

"How bought some incentive then, girlie?" he grinned, pulling a good half of her body out of the window, it dangling dangerously fromt he bus. He would falter his grip every few second from strain. "Come on now, what's your name?"

She yelled out in protest, but would not speak a word as she glared fearfully into his eyes, concerned about whether he would actually let go.

He flashed a toothy grin, noting the expression of fear on her face. Despite how much she squirmed, she couldn't escape him and go back into the bus. "Come on!" he laughed mockingly. "Let's go!"

"Umay!" she cried out, grasping his arms to keep her from falling off the rushing bus. "It's Umay!" Tears pricked the corner of her eyes, a combination of the wind and her fear. He smirked before pushing her back in. 

"Umay? Not much of a normal name" he sneered, leaning out from the window as he enjoyed the breeze tearing at him and his clothing through the stuffy weather. Umay held her shoulder, checking to see if she was okay. 

"I-I'm not from here" he said, keeping her voice as fearless and plain as she could, but faltering a bit. He sneered at her, leaning in for a moment.

"Perhaps I'd like to know more about you, Umay." he whispered to her, a large, sadistic grin on his face. Umay recoiled, grasping the top of the window. Despite her fear for hating the man, she normally disliked hurting people. Regardless, She grasped the top of the glass and slammed it down to shut it.

He yelled out angrily, snarling before having to recoil his hands and grasp deperately to the side of the bus, which was rather smooth. He shifted slowly to the door, often missing foot holes and coming dangerously close to the speeding pavement underneath him. For a long while, Katsu was alright on the side of the bus, until a red flash up ahead indicated the bus would be slowing down for a red light. It lurched forwards, throwing Katsu like a doll in the opposite direction as he screamed, grasping at the windows as he fell past them. Umay gave a worried look and opened her window, terrified of what she would see.


Authors Note:

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Lycan. It was inspired and created by a friend of mine and I as we discussed a story, merging our two favourite original characters. Katsu, the horrid one is mine, and Umay is hers. 

Please, if you have any feedbacks or suggestions, I am looking forward to them and would love to hear them. 

I will be updating this story weekly and am open to any kind of stories, including readers inserts. Glad to recieve any feedback


GrumpyKitten >:3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2015 ⏰

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