Chapter 4

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Chapter 3

Renesmee’s POV

Age 7 humans years (looks and acts 17)

I twirled through the mist and the rain which brushed on my skin and clung onto my warmth. Lightning enlightened the sky sending its tearful drops with it and the thunder only made my hearing clearer as the clouds grumbled down at me. My father and mother stood from above taking it all in, each other, their surroundings and even me while I giggled through the puddles of water like a little girl, the little girl I would always be.

I heard my mom’s voice stutter out across the sky whispering to my dad, “She’s so radiant, she makes it look impossible.”

In my mind, I grinned knowing I was nothing in beauty compared to my mom, with her silk skin which dazzled at the tiniest blotches of light and dark wavy locks of hair which only added to her beauty. I know my dad was reading my mind and I caught a glimpse of his chuckle, as he and my mom still overlooked me.

That’s when I heard it, the distinct sound behind the rumbling of the sky the sweet scent that overpowered the natural enriching smell of the rain, his beauty over shone the world itself.

“Nessie!” He smiled his crooked smile jogging up to me briskly in the calming rain.

“Jacob,” I lightened up at the sound and smell and sight of him, my best friend. He grabbed me, lifting my feet off the ground and quickly spinning me in the air, I looked up taking in the droplets of water that flew one after the other from the sky as though they were waiting their place in line. The rumbling only stopped at this instant while the light flicker of lightning burst across the sky. Pulling me back down, Jacob’s face was astonishing like I had never seen him so excited in his life.

“How are you? I feel like it’s been forever since we’ve talked,” I smiled, Jake had been on a small trip with the wolves just in Canada for fun. It was only three days, and we did skype but it felt like years since we last saw each other. “How was the trip?”

“It was pretty good, but it would have been perfect with you,” Jake stared at me and this moment felt different from all the others that we had shared. His tone was serious and loving and every inch of him made my stomach do back flips over and over.

My face was to the floor as I brushed back some hair feeling myself blush. The tiny flame that lit up inside my cheeks grew to my whole face as Jake clutched my hand in his, and it was as though our hands were puzzle pieces entwined perfectly to each other.

“Esme has made you dinner, love,” Edward said from the porch of the house. Jake and I turned to each other, both of us with the same curious look in our eyes I could just feel it.

“Race ya,” he whispered and in that exact instant we both started, dashing like the speed of light to the kitchen, but since Jacob wasn’t in his wolf form, I beat him by a long shot.

When I arrived through the kitchen door, I yawned as Jacob made his way and I couldn’t help but laugh at him. “Oh please,” he tried to say with a straight face but it was no use, he broke in laughing to the sound of my sarcasm and Esme handed us our plates.

“Thanks, Esme.” I twinkled. It was my favorite, a juicy steak with the most amazing handmade spaghetti in the world. I swear Esme was talented in cooking the best I had ever had. Jake and I sat at the dining room table which only served a purpose for when Jake and I ate. The food made my mouth water and I couldn’t help but devour it all in under a few minutes. But it wasn’t unusual, and Jake scarfed down his food even faster than I had.

Outside, the clear droplets of water were now freezing into little ice crystals beginning to cover the land in a beautiful white blanket. Snow. It was my favorite thing in the whole world. It was the absolute prettiest thing in the whole world too. The way the flakes dance in the wind and land gracefully against the ground makes me envy the way they are so smooth and delicate and beautiful. And because I was half vampire I never got cold, instead I fit in with the gentle breeze which tickled my skin and the beautiful trees that danced through the wind. Standing up, I headed for the door, Jake at my side his warm breath sending chills down my spine. This time it was me who grabbed his hand and off we went, our feet sliding in and out of the traps of the snow, following the paths that the trees left open and the owls howl that echoed throughout the forest. It was like a dream, the most beautiful scenery and most perfect time it made my heart skip a beat.

Up ahead was a clearing where the snow had piled up in the most perfect and organized pile. I ran Jake’s hand still in mine and stopped ahead, falling back into the snow like a playful child outside in a blizzard. I began sliding my arms and legs to the side crafting the lushest and beautiful snow angel in the world. Tiredly, I began slowing down my body, until I just stopped and laid there in the brisk silence of the snow. Jacob’s heart tapped to my right one, two…one, two... the counting of his heart matched rhythmically with the snowflakes hitting the ground. I rolled over on my stomach, my eyes now on Jacob’s and his smile caused his beautiful crooked line that made me feel safe, protected like how he gave me those smiles when I was just born, when I couldn’t sleep at night, or even when I was sad when I realized I wasn’t normal.

“You’re beautiful, and extraordinary, and bubbly, Nessie no ever said you were normal, they always said you were perfect,” he has told me throughout my whole lifetime. Then, his perfect grin would light up my life and even when I was small just newborn it made me laugh to see that face.

Jake rolled over on his stomach too now, his nose only an inch away but it wasn’t close enough. I had never felt such attraction to anyone but Jacob my entire life and I loved it. My eyes fluttered while the snow hit my eyelashes sending a chill through my body. I looked to Jacob and I let my words glide out with the wind.

“I missed you, Jacob,” I smiled, locking eyes with him and he reached for my hands, breathing his fresh air to me.

“Nessie, I could barely make it through that trip, the only thing that kept me going was that I would soon get to see your beautiful face, hear your wonderful laugh, and feel your silky marvelous skin against my skin again. You’re all I ever think about dream about care about and I want you to know it. You’re the only person who makes my heart beat faster and slower all at the same time and I can’t help but say and mean it, I love you forever.”

I stuttered the thoughts in my mind jumbled and my heart stopping in my chest. I knew Jacob had imprinted on me but we never had exactly talked about it, but there was something about today that lit a spark that I knew would forever stay in flames, the love that me and Jacob had. He had protected loved me and cared for me ever since I was born, and he has always been my favorite person, the one who I have looked forward to seeing every day, sharing stories and playing with when I was just a small girl. Now it all made sense. I felt like I knew where I belonged in the world, I knew where to go and I knew who I was going to become. The words flew out of my mouth without any thought. It was a reflex. “I love you forever,” and it was me who pulled in, embracing my lips to his and we sat there, as he kissed me back making my life complete. It was perfect, the first kiss of many but in the snow I looked up spotting a familiar pair of red dots that appeared to blink in the wind.


OH SNAP I’m leaving you hanging…..what is that in the snow??????????????????Ahhhhhhhhhh thanks so much for everyone who has continued reading my story and I will post after I get at least three comments:D I love you guys and hope you keep reading. And If you spread the word about my writing I will dedicate one or many chapters to you:D thanks guys:D

Everlasting: A Renesmee and Jacob Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now