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·˚ ༘ ┊͙𝙳𝚄𝙻𝙲𝙴𝚃 ↺ 𝐕𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐘𝐑𝐀𝐄!ˎˊ˗
≡;- ꒰ °ᴀᴄᴛ. 𝐨𝐧𝐞 ┊ ᴄʜ﹒ 𝐳𝐞𝐫𝐨 ꒱
I'm Callidora, but if you w-want,
you can call me Calli.


Tuft and dark brown hair messily sprawled across the girl's face, she ran a hand through it in attempt to remove it. The girl stretched her aching limbs, a satisfied sigh escaping her lips as she opened the blinds, the hot rays of sunlight hitting her face instantly. Though, it cooled her down with the early morning breeze as it hit her blushing, rosy-red tinted cheeks. The dark-brunette hummed, a small smile creeping on her face as her eyes glanced at the black and white huskies running around her backyard.

The sounds of birds chirping, her dogs howling, and cats meowing, she left her room's windowsill and took a handful of her own brown hair before turning it into a messy bun. Not forgetting the cold breeze, she quickly grabbed a leather jacket before stepping foot outside her little house.

On the outside, it had looked like a cabin, the ones in the horror movies in the woods, but in the inside, it was far from it being creepy. Decorated with every possible warm aesthetic furniture she could fond  Callidora was rather proud of it.

What stopped her from going further to her dogs, was someone whom she hadn't expected to see after a long while. Callidora was sure, that he would return after five months, as sad as the news was, after he was cancelled. What she thought he would have a small frown at her usual living conditions, instead, surprised her with the same smile she had always saw whenever he's with her. One that is genuine and warm, like he had always given her, and he stated, that she deserved.

“Still looking like a murderer living in that cabin?” He had surprisingly teased her as well, not entirely expecting that sort of question from him. The dark haired male had always, worriedly told her, to live in a more safe and secure place rather than a small shack in the middle of the woods. But he knows, oh he does, that Callidora doesn't entirely like the bustling streets, air filed with smoke, people causing drama left and right.

He understands that, but it doesn't mean that he fully supports it, even after asking that silly question of his.

A bright smile erupted on the dark-brunette's face, chuckling ever so slightly at his question. “Hmm, s-still am.” She replied, smile widening even more as she moved in closer. “A-And what is with that get-up, Jem?”

During the days he was gone, Toast truly did miss the way she calls him that. Callidora was one of his first friends in life, after all, so it's natural for him to miss her. “A change...?” It came as a question and the two best friends embraced one another once they were near each other.

The familiar scent of vanilla and caramel made the dark haired male smile brightly. Call him creepy all you want, but the girl just has something that makes him━ or anyone at all, be so relaxed. “I missed you.”

“Mm, the same can be said here, Jem.” Callidora replied, the two best friends pulling away as she jabbed a thumb behind her, to the cabin she calls home. “Care for a hot cup of coffee?”

“Isn't it supposed to be "tea"?” The boy cheekily said as Callidora merely giggled.

“T-Those are meant for business matters, we're here as friends.” Was all the girl said before leading him inside her well-decorated home.


-━ O ━-

After settling down one of her only chairs (beanbags) in the house, both best friends caught up with the problems they faced, especially during the pandemic. It hadn't been that hard for the girl, but it did make it a tad bit more difficult to find a job. Callidora still has money, thank God, but it will run out sooner or later, hopefully not that fast. And as much as Toast had promised to help her by lending the girl with the money he has, she always declined and he knows how stubborn she is.

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