Chapter 26: "Childish Lessons"

Start from the beginning

"Let me know . . . how?" Zayn asked, confused or hopeful about something, Salma could not tell.

"Anne or Uncle Dawood would text you the details once I've sorted it out with the parents," Salma replied.

Even this far, Salma noted disappointment flashing over his features.

"Oh, alright," he replied, looking glum. Salma almost laughed. "See you around."

She waved at him and gave him her back.

"We aren't there yet, dumb-head." Salma chuckled, skipping towards the building of the Biological Sciences Block.


First written on: April 4th, 2021

Salma jumped off the bus and waited as, one by one, the kids hopped off. Some of the little ones needed help to make the jump. A sharp pain shot through her inflamed wrists as she helped a kid that was heavier than he looked. Salma winced, just barely helping the kid land softly on his feet.

"Bee, you alright?" Zayn's voice carried to her from the bus.

Salma massaged her searing joints. The pain was subsiding already but a dull ache remained.

"Yeah, I'm okay," Salma replied without making eye contact. Did he know of her stupidly yanking at her cuffed wrists in an attempt to strangle the unkillable monster?

She glanced at the next kid waiting for her to pick her up, the little girl's arms were raised already. She looked light but with her joints getting sore again, Salma knew she had to take care or she might develop a more permanent problem with her hands. Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, Salma reached for little girl, letting the kid's small weight rest on her forearms instead of her hands. She heard quick feet descending the few steps of the bus.

"Austin, let me pass," Zayn asked the next kid who was adamant that he did not need help.

"Just watch me jump!" Austin replied.

"Alright then, go ahead," Zayn agreed.

"Clear off, Sally!" the kid yelled, bending his knees in preparation for too high a jump that was not required. Salma recognized him as one of the naughty kids that had painted Zayn in the previous session.

"Austin, be careful," Salma warned as he took flight. He landed on all fours with a grunt. Salma walked towards him to check up on him but the kid raised himself up again, dusting his hands off. If he got hurt, he did not show it.

"Did you see it?" He turned to Zayn puffing his chest out. "I jumped so high!"

Zayn didn't reply as he stood by the bus waiting for Austin's friend to get off. He was the brat with the lisp, and thankfully, someone with a lot more common sense as he carefully lowered one foot down the bus, holding on to the pole tightly.

"Ith - ith wasn't thath high," the kid disagreed with Austin, stepping down. "You coudhn't thouch the ssky?"

"I could," Austin replied with a frown. "Watch me!"

Salma kept an eye on the rowdy kid as he continued jumping on spot with his hands raised to the heavens above. Zayn helped M.J off the bus.

"Thank you," Salma muttered to Zayn, putting a comforting arm around M.J who had trotted towards her the moment Zayn let go.

"Don't mention it," Zayn replied, wiggling his fingers at another girl, urging her to be quick. "Take care of your hands. Get a physio and let the joints rest. Inflammations can get ugly if prolonged."

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