Ch. 22 Distraction...

Start from the beginning

"Kei..." you moan out clenching your legs together as lust begins to over take you once again. The tenderness between your thighs reminds you of how many times you've come so far today. "Dammit..." You groan in frustration "I'm sorry Kei... but the pussy palace is closed for renovations."

Tsukki's hands slide up to squeeze your breasts. "Mmm but what about the titty committee. Are they currently in a meeting?"

"Mmm as enjoyable as this is, yes they are in a meeting... about how this will most definitely lead to us having sex again. So please defer to the first notice."

Tsukki chuckles but pulls back leaving one final kiss against your lips and smack to the ass that makes you yelp. "Fair enough. Though you should probably get dressed then because you are entirely too tempting naked like that."

He walks over grabbing the other water while you slip your clothes back on. He hands you the cold bottle which you accept, quickly twisting the top and drinking a few large gulps. You look around your kitchen and the now defiled dining room table, a small breathy laugh escaping your lips.

Tsukki glances at you in question, eyebrow raised.

A small snort of a laugh escapes you. "I just realized nobody can ever eat at that table again... or sit on that couch." Saying it out loud makes you laugh a little harder. "Kiyoko and Hitoka are coming to stay the night tonight too... Maybe I should put hazard tape up." You look at Tsukki eyes alight at your idea.

"What's it going to say? Beware multiple orgasms occurred here?" Tsukki laughs "Just clean everything up and it's all good. Weeeeelll until the next time I decide to fuck you on it. You do owe me a reward you know... for winning our game." He winks at you.

You choose to ignore that last comment and further address the other subject. "It's not all good... the minute someone eats at my table or sits on my couch they are going to know it's been defiled. I won't be able to hide it." You say dramatically.

"Ohhh Pipsqueak we really need to work on your poker face then. Otherwise you'll never be able to have anyone over. What are you gonna to do when I manage to fuck you on every surface of this place?" His words are like liquid seduction showering over you. How you can manage to feel aroused at all after being so thoroughly railed is beyond you.

"Everything about you should come with a warning label, Kei."

Tsukki shakes his head laughing. "Come on Shortstuff. I'll help you straighten up since I helped 'defile' this place."

His tone causes you throw a kitchen towel at his head. He catches it before it hits it's mark laughing. "Nice aim, but too slow Princess."

You stick your tongue out at Tsukki in response then go to answer your phone that started to ring.

Y/N: Hello?

Hitoka: Heeeey girl!

Y/N: Hey Hitoka. What's up?

Hitoka: Nothing much,
Kiyoko and me were just
wondering what time you
wanted us to...

As Hitoka is speaking Tsukki moves quickly behind you wrapping an arm around your waist and sweeping you off your feet. "You're such a brat... what did I say about sticking your tongue out at me?"

You squeal in surprise.

Hitoka: y/n? What on
earth was that?

Y/N: oh um weelll...

Before you can finish your statement Tsukki lands a decent smack on your ass cheek pulling a yelp from your lips.

"Dammit Kei! Who said you could smack my ass! I'm on the phone you know."

Passion of a Cold Heart (Tsukishima x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now