LeBron James gives Anthony Davis the Impression Rose

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West Hollywood California,

"The moment We've all been waiting for," LeBron made an announcement as the girlfriends including JR Smith, Lance Stephenson and Dwyane Wade were gathering around to watch the impression rose being held by LeBron himself. "And I know that it is not going to be easy when it comes to picking a boyfriend and girlfriend," AD was sitting next to JR and Dwyane as LeBron begins the speech. "And plus, I have no words to explain how happy am I right now as I am waiting for this moment to pick the winner, as soon as the name is called, a player gets to come to the stage to have a first kiss,"

Lance Stephenson POV:

Wow! LeBron is so generous and you when he said the moment we've all been waiting for. Damn! Man. That was a powerful statement and he waited patiently for the right match to come and I hope it comes to someone that deserves it because it is a great opportunity to be on the position with especially those romantic relationships.

Dwyane Wade POV:

I think that most teammates can learn from LeBron and the rest of us because it is not about looking for love, it's about waiting patiently and all that stuff. Besides, I don't know how our teammates can do it when they think it would be a stupid idea for us to come up with a backup plan. But oh well, they can do whatever they want. I bet they can be fart-faces at times.

JR Smith POV:

(Sniffles) Just as you know that I would've been a better date and a match for LeBron because in some cases I tend to be irrelevant to him at times but I only act it out because I was upset, but It's okay because what's done is done.

JR was wiping the tears on his face knowing that LeBron didn't pick him as a girlfriend and wife even though it is a final decision for him to make and yet, he is looking forward to the next one but who knows what would happen if JR is going to find someone soon maybe Austin Rivers or something else but he had to wait and see.

LeBron continued the announcement as he holds the red rose to give it to someone on the first impression. "Okay, so the red rose impression that is going to be awarded to is......... ANTHONY MARSHON DAVIS JR. AD for short," AD gasped as the name was called to have given the red rose. He walks to LeBron as he began to say the statement to him.

LeBron James: AD I don't know how to tell you this but I made my way to be someone that I want to be with because I found a love that would always be with me for the rest of my life and I wanted to let you know that you are beautiful inside and out and The reason why I came here it's because of you.

Anthony Davis: Oh wow really?

LeBron James: yup I mean I'm just nervous when I always see the look of your face and I was afraid that you might reject me due to me being weird.

Anthony Davis: Why would I reject you Bron? What's important is that you have given me the final rose and I wanted to cherish it with you for the rest of our lives until we get old and gray.

LeBron James: I got your point AD. And you know what I would do is to be going on adventures with you and yet, traveling with you and starting a family someplace else.

Anthony Davis POV:

LeBron is such a hot and handsome man when it comes to him telling me how much he loves to be with me. I mean damn! I can't stop laying my eyes off of that man despite of me standing at 6'10" and LeBron is 6'9" He's 36 and I'm 28. Look I know that no one wanted me to date older NBA players but it's okay because it doesn't matter and age is just a number.

LeBron James: So AD I have been waiting for the moment to tell you this. Will you be my girlfriend?


They kissed as the neon lights in the downtown West Hollywood lit up the night.

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