The Box

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The eerie sound of metal on metal startled her as the cage she was confined in ascended up to god-knows where. Panicking and confused, she buried her head in her knees, which she held tight, as she wondered where she would end up, and more importantly, would she ever get home. Her head pounded and her eyes prickled with tears as her legs went numb and wobbly. Finally, as the box came to a halt, it was silent. As she looked up she saw about 20 unfamiliar faces, staring down at her and she stood up abruptly.
One of them, tall and blonde, hopped down into the box beside her, "It's okay, every one of us has been through this before, we aren't gonna hurt you." He smiled and reached out his hand. "Let me help you out."
Without hesitation, she took his hand and clambered out of the cage and laid on the luscious, green grass staring at the clouds.
"I want you to tell me if you can remember your na-"
"Y/n... it's Y/n."
"Wow, I'm bloody surprised that you can remember your name, I'm Newt. Can you tell me anything else?"
"Umm..." She got vivid flashbacks of the life she lived before this weird place. "I- I remember everything."

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