Harry Osborn- That Damn Dress

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AN: oh Shit, look at his hotness in the attached photo! He's killing me!!

I'm his assistant. I'm Harry Osborn's assistant. I walked over to his office and knocked on the door.

"Come in." I heard his deep sexy voice say.

I admit, this man gave me chills. He, Peter, Gwen and I were all friends. I'm just lucky I got the perfect job that pays tons. I get to practically sit around with Harry and do nothing all day it's fun!

I opened the door. I was wearing a black dress that went down to my knees, it was sexy and good for work.

"(y/n)! Glad you're here! I need you!" He jumped up from his chair and ran over to me, practically tripping then standing back up.

"Ok, what for?" I laughed.

"You gotta come with me tonight. I'm going to dinner with Peter and Gwen, kinda like a double date, you gotta be my date." He grabbed my arms.

"Your... Date...? I'm not sure." I pulled out of his reach then set down a pile of papers.

"I'll give you a bonus next month." He looked at me.

"Deal." I spun around and smiled.

"Great. Ok, wear something really hot, like the one red dress you have. The one that has the black flecks at the bottom and flows..." He blushed, realizing he just complimented me.

"O-ok..." I blushed and rummaged through the paper I set down.

~time skip brought to you by Harry's green goblin laugh. Eheheheheh!~

"Ok, Bye guys!" Gwen called as she and Peter walked away.

Harry and I continued walking down the streets talking.

"So. You ready to go home or...?" He looks at me, sticking his hands in his pockets.

"Oh god no... I mean, please don't. Around this time, I go home and my dad is drunk..." I looked down, awkwardly admitting my home life.

"Y/n... You should get out of that house. Really... I'm not sure If that environment is good for you..." He gave me a worried look.

"I would leave but I don't have anywhere else to go..." I shrugged and shivered a bit.

He simply nodded and looked down.

We continued walking silently, when I felt something warm over my shoulders. Harry had wrapped me up in his suit jacket. I looked at him and smiled. "Thanks Harry."

"Yep." He smiled in return.

"You have a cute smile." I poked his cheek.

"D-do I?" He blushed lightly.

"And, I like that color on your cheeks. It's nice." I said softly.

"Thank you...?" He chuckles awkwardly.

"Yup." I stepped closer to him and shoved him playfully.

"Come live with me!" He blurted out of nowhere and grinned widely.

"What...?" I widened my eyes and blushed insanely.

"I mean. If you want. Your dad is a mess and you need a better home life. Come live with me. It'll be fun." He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and I put a hand on his lower back.

"Well... I guess... I will try it out for a week and... If things aren't going well, I'm leaving." I giggled.

"Square deal." He nodded.

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